V. Ambegaokar (Cornell University)
- Lecture 1 - Green’s Functions, Matsubara and Cooper
- Lecture 2 - BCS - Gorkov, Ordinary and Spin-Flip Impurities, Gauge Invariance
- Lecture 3 - Introduction to Strong Coupling
Robert A. Smith (University of Birmingham)
- Lecture 1 - Suppression of Superconductivity by Disorder: Perturbation Theory
- Lecture 2 - Suppression of Superconductivity by Disorder: Beyond Perturbation Theory
- Lecture 3 - Strong Coupling and Disorder
L. Balents (University of California, Santa Barbara)
- Lecture 1 - Quantum Mechanics of Vortices and Preprint
- Lecture 2 - Vortex Pairing and Fractionalization (no notes available)
G. Boebinger (NFML, Los Alamos)
- Lecture 1 - The Abnormal Normal State of the High-Tc’s…and Why Use High Magnetic Fields?
- Lecture 2 - Low-Dimensional Transport and Quasiparticle Confinement
- Lecture 3 - Revealing Quantum Critical Points in the High Tc Phase Diagram
G. W. Crabtree (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Lecture 1 - Equilibrium Vortex Phase Diagram Experimental Measurements
- Lecture 2 - Dynamics of Driven Vortices Flow in the Liquid and Solid States
A. T. Dorsey (University of Florida)
- Lecture 1 - Introduction to the Equilibrium and Time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau Theories of Superconductors
- Lecture 2 - Equilibrium and Dynamic Fluctuations in Superconductors
- Lecture 3 - Vortex Motion in Type-II Superconductors (No notes available)
- Lecture 4 - Non-equilibrium Phenomena: Pattern Formation in Superconductors
S. M. Girvin (Indiana University)
- Lecture 1 - Just What is Superconductivity Anyway? (An Embarrassingly Simple Introduction)
- Lecture 2 - Introduction to the Kosterlitz-Thouless Phase Transition and Figures
- Public Lecture - Mr. Feynman’s Quantum Mechanics: A Field Guide for Curious Characters and Pictures
L. H. Greene (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
- Lecture 1 - Planar Quasiparticle Tunneling Spectroscopy: Introduction and Experimental Methods
- Lecture 2 - Tunneling into High-Temperature Superconductors: Spectroscopy of Broken Symmetries
- Lecture 3 - Broken Time-Reversal Symmetry: Background and Measurements (No notes available)
D. Larbalestier (University of Wisconsin)
- Lecture 1 - Essential Materials Properties for Useful Conductors (LTS and HTS). Flux Pinning, Irreversibility Fields, Percolation and Inhomogeneities
- Lecture 2 - Development of High Jc in Conductor Forms and the Limitations imposed by available Processing Routes. Brief Outline of Applications Specific Conductor Demands (No notes available)
J. M. Martinis (NIST, Boulder)
- Lecture 1 - Low Temperature Detectors: Applications and Overview (No notes available)
- Lecture 2 - Using Usadel Equations
- Lecture 3 - SQUIDs and Low Noise Measurement Technique
K. A. Moler (Stanford University)
- Lecture 1 - Flux Quantization and Order Parameter Symmetry in Superconductors
- Lecture 2 - Interlayer Coupling in Cuprate Superconductors
- Lecture 3 - Mesoscopic Magnetic Measurement Techniques
V. Moshchalkov (Laboratory of Solid State Physics and Magnetism)
L. Radzihovsky (University of Colorado, Boulder)
- Lecture - Fluctuations, Dissipation, and Phase Transitions in Vortex States of Type II Superconductors
D. Ralph (Cornell University)
- Lecture 1 - Thinking about Interacting Electrons in Systems with Discrete Energy Levels
- Lecture 2 - Superconductivity from the Micron to the Nanometer Scale
- Lecture 3 - The Destructive effect of a Magnetic Field - Orbital vs Spin Pair Breaking
R. E. Sager (Quantum Design, Inc.)
- Lecture 1 - Building a Successful Business in Superconductivity with Outline and Picture
- Lecture 2 - A Brief History of Quantum Design’s Products with Outline
J. A. Sauls (Northwestern University)
- Lecture 1 - Unconventional Pairing, Broken Symmetry and Superconductivity
- Lecture 2 - Fermi-Liquid Theory of Superconductivity
- Lecture 3 - Nonequilibrium Dynamics of Superconductors
- Lecture 4 - Electrodynamics and Transport in Unconventional Superconductors
A. Sudbø (Trondheim)
- Lecture 1 - Introduction to Dual Description of Type-II Superconductors
- Lecture 2 - Duality, Vortices, and Criticality in 3D Extreme Type-II Superconductors
- Lecture 3 - Geometric Properties of Critical Fluctuations in Abelian Gauge-Theories
J. Talvacchio (Northrop Grumman STC)
- Lecture 1 - HTS Materials and Devices for RF Applications
- Lecture 2 - HTS Materials and Devices for Digital Applications
Zlatko Tešanovic (Johns Hopkins University)
N.-C. Yeh (California Institute of Technology)