The University of Colorado Boulder has a long history of global leadership in sustainability. From being the first university to establish a recycling program, to being the first university to rank “gold” through the Sustainability Tracking Assessment and Rating System (STARS), CU-Boulder has been a leader in climate and energy research, interdisciplinary environmental studies programs and in engaging in “green” practices on campus for more than half a century. We invite you to be a part of the CU community and participate in one or more of these sustainable practices:
· purchase carbon offsets for your travel, see for more information and purchase options (select University of Colorado from the drop down list),
· bring a refillable water bottle to use at the filtered water stations located in Buckingham and around campus,
· get a discount at Boulder coffee shops by using a travel coffee mug,
· use the blue recycling bins in your Residence Hall room,
· ride the bus during your visit to Boulder,
· use Boulder B-cycle bike share