July 3-28, 2000
Scientific Coordinators:
Alan M. Goldman, Chris Lobb, Zlatko Tesanovic
Site Coordinator: Leo Radzihovsky
The Boulder 2000 summer school aims to give attendees exposure to some of the most vital experimental and theoretical areas of study in the area of superconductivity.
Group Photo
Main Themes of the School
Basic Principles of Superconductivity * Quantum Dynamics of Vortices and Electrons * Vortices in D > 2 and Critical Phenomena in Superconductors * High Temperature and other Unconventional Superconductors * Vortex Dynamics: Physics and Applications * Nonequilibrium Superconductivity * Mesoscopic and Nanoscale Superconducting Systems * Materials, Applications and Devices
Confirmed list of 2000 lecturers and seminar speakers:
V. Ambegaokar (Cornell)
L. Balents (UC Santa Barbara)
G. Boebinger (NHMFL Los Alamos)
G. W. Crabtree (Argonne)
D. Dessau (Colorado)
A. T. Dorsey (Florida) - Lucent Lecturer
S. M. Girvin (Indiana)
L. H. Greene (Illinois)
D. Larbalestier (Wisconsin)
A. H. MacDonald (Indiana)
J. M. Martinis (NIST Boulder)
K. A. Moler (Stanford)
V. Moshchalkov (Leuven)
Leo Radzihovsky (Colorado)
D. Ralph (Cornell)
R. E. Sager (Quantum Design, Inc.)
J. A. Sauls (Northwestern)
G. Schoen (Karlsruhe)
R. A. Smith (Birmingham)
A. Sudbø (Trondheim)
J. Talvacchio (Northrop-Grumman)
N. C. Yeh (Caltech)