Please look here for any reading materials in order to prepare for the lectures. All lecture materials will be posted to the Lecture Notes page. All files are in PDF format or direct linked.
- Chen, Chi-Fang (Anthony); Lucas, Andrew; and Yin, Chao. Speed limits and locality in many-body quantum dynamics. arXiv:2303.07386v1 [quant-ph] 13 Mar 2023.
- Girvin, Steven. Circuit QED: SuperconductingQubits Coupled to Microwave Photons. Proceedings of the 2011 Les Houches Summer School on Quantum Machines, eds. M.H. Devoret, R.J. Schoelkopf, Benjamin Huard, and Leticia F. Cugliandolo (Oxford University Press, 2014).
- Girvin, Steven. Reflection of microwave light from a resonator transmission line. Unpublished.
- Léonard, Julian et al. Probing the onset of quantum avalanches in a many-body localized system. Nature Physics 19, 481-485 (2023).
- Minev, Zlatko. Bonus - Cheat Sheet for QC T11.7.
- Minev, Zlatko. Bonus - Cheat Sheet Tail Bounds T11.9.
- Minev, Zlatko. Bonus - Pauli Twirling Tutorial - Part I.
- Minev, Zlatko. Bonus - Pauli Twirling Tutorial - Part II.
- Minev, Zlatko. Bonus - Pauli Twirling Tutorial - Part III.
- Minev, Zlatko. Bonus - Pauli Twirling Tutorial - Part IV.
- Minev, Zlatko. Derivation - PEC 1Q simple (C65B).
- Minev, Zlatko. Derivation - PEC full derivation (C65C).
- Monroe, C. Primer on Mølmer-Sørensen Gates in Trapped Ions. Unpublished.
- Skinner, Brian. Lecture Notes: Introduction to random unitary circuits and the measurement-induced entanglement phase transition . Unpublished.
- Srakaew, Kritsana et al. A subwavelength atomic array switched by a single Rydberg atom. Nature Physics 19, 714-719 (2023).