Boulder School 2023: Non-Equilibrium Quantum Dynamics

July 3-28, 2023

Scientific Coordinators

Anushya Chandran (Boston University)
Matthew Fisher (UCSB)
Vedika Khemani (Stanford)
Sagar Vijay (UCSB)

Director: Leo Radzihovsky (CU Boulder)

(Top Left) From Boyers et al, PRL 125, 160505 (2020); (Bottom left) Google Quantum AI’s Sycamore Chip; (Bottom right) From Long et al, PRL 126, 106805 (2021)
(Top Left) From Boyers et al, PRL 125, 160505 (2020); (Bottom left) Google Quantum AI’s Sycamore Chip; (Bottom right) From Long et al, PRL 126, 106805 (2021)

The field of non-equilibrium quantum dynamics has rapidly progressed in recent years due to a confluence of interdisciplinary advances. These include developments in the theory of random quantum circuits, and experimental breakthroughs in engineering highly controllable, quantum coherent simulators. This school aims to cover a variety of topics at the intersection of modern condensed matter, AMO physics and quantum information including: the dynamics of quantum information, quantum entanglement and thermalization, non-equilibrium phases of matter, open quantum systems, quantum simulations on near-term synthetic quantum platforms, classical simulation of quantum dynamics, quantum error correction, and quantum complexity.

Public Lecture

Prof. Giulia Semeghini, Harvard University, “Exploring New Quantum Horizons” in Duane Physics Building, rm. G1B30 on Monday, July 17, 2023 at 8:00 pm MST.

Lecturers and seminar speakers

Victor Albert (NIST and University of Maryland)
Ehud Altman (Berkeley)
Immanuel Bloch (LMU/MPQ)
Anushya Chandran (Boston University)
Steve Girvin (Yale)
Sarang Gopalakrishnan (Princeton)
Tarun Grover (UCSD)
David Huse (Princeton)
Liang Jiang (U. Chicago)
Vedika Khemani (Stanford)
Aleksander Kubica (Caltech)
Zlatko Minev (IBM)
Crystal Noel (Duke)
Frank Pollmann (TUM)
Giulia Semeghini (Harvard)
Romain Vasseur (UMass  Amherst)
Sagar Vijay (UCSB)
Marko Znidaric (University of Ljubljana)