All files are in PDF format.
Dominique Delande
- Woelfe and Vollhardt, Self-Consistent Theory of Anderson Localization: General Formalism and Applications
- Mueller and Delande, Disorder and interference: localization phenomena
- Borgonovi and Shepelyansky, Particle propagation in a random and quasi-periodic potential
- Klappauf, Oskay, Steck, and Raizen, Quantum chaos with cesium atoms: pushing the boundaries
- Grempel and Prange, Quantum dynamics of a nonintegrable system
- Lemarié, et al., Observation of the Anderson metal-insulator transition with atomic matter waves: Theory and experiment
- Tian, Kamenev, and Larkin, Ehrenfest time in the weak dynamical localization
- Shepelyansky, Localization of Quasienergy Eigenfunctions in Action Space
- Altland, Diagrammatic Approach to Anderson Localization in the Quantum Kicked Rotator
- Altland and Zirnbauer, Field Theory of the Quantum Kicked Rotor
- Chabé, et al., Experimental Observation of the Anderson Metal-Insulator Transition with Atomic MatterWaves
- Lemaré, et al., Critical State of the Anderson Transition: Between a Metal and an Insulator
- Tian, Altland, and Garst, Theory of the Anderson Transition in the Quasiperiodic Kicked Rotor
- Lopez, et al., Experimental Test of Universality of the Anderson Transition
Thierry Giamarchi
David Huse