All files are in PDF format.
Ludovic Berthier (Montpellier)
Giulio Biroli (IPHT)
Bulbul Chakraborty (Brandeis)
Kabir Ramola and Bulbul Chakraborty, Stress Response of Granular Systems
J.P. Bouchand, Granular Media: some ideas from statistical physics
Leticia F. Cugliandolo (Sorbonne Universites - Universite Pierre et Marie Curie - LPTHE)
Mark Ediger (Wisconsin)
M.D. Ediger, C.A. Angell, and Sidney R. Nagel, Supercooled Liquids and Glasses
Surya Ganguli (Stanford)
Review article:
Statistical mechanics of optimal convex inference in high dimensions: An equivalence between high dimensional Bayes optimal inference and M-estimation - NIPS 2016)
Deep learning theory: (Exact solutions to learning dynamics - ICLR 2014) (Saddle points in high dimensional spaces - NIPS 2014) (Reversing diffusion to get deep generative models - ICML 2015) (Exponential expressivity through the geometry of chaos - NIPS 2016) (Modeling the biological retina’s response to natural scenes - NIPS 2016)
Florent Krzakala (ENS-Paris)
Lenka Zdeborova and Florent Krzakala, Statistical physics of inference: Thresholds and algorithms
Pierre Le Doussal (ENS-Paris)
Boulder School 2015 Lecture Notes 1
Boulder School 2015 Lecture Notes 2
Boulder School 2015 Lecture Notes 3
M. Lisa Manning (Syracuse)
Chris Moore (Santa Fe Institute)
Computational complexity and phase transitions:
Mezard and Montanari, Information, Physics and Computation
Moore and Mertens, The Nature of Computation (esp. Chapter 14)
The block model and community detection:
Emmanuel Abbe, Community detection and stochastic block models: recent developments
The nonbacktracking matrix:
Florent Krzalaka et al., Spectral redemption in clustering sparse networks
The original paper on phase transitions in community detection:
David Reichman (Columbia)
David R. Reichman and Patrick Charbonneau, Mode-Coupling Theory
Francesco Zamponi (ENS/CNRS)