Roster of Participants


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Gerard Ben Arous

I am a theorist interested in Probability theory, Statistical Mechanics, DIsordered Media, Random Matrices, and Spin Glasses

Institution: Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, NYU
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Ludovic Berthier

Works on the statistical mechanics of disordered materials, nonequilibrium systems, and soft matter.

I am a theorist.

Institution: University of Montpellier & CNRS
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Giulio Biroli

I am a theoretical physicist working in statistical physics, complex systems and condensed matter theory. I am particularly interested in glassy and off-equilibrium physics and slow and collective dynamics.

Institution: Institut de Physique Theorique, CEA Saclay
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Bulbul Chakraborty

I am a condensed matter theorist interested in the statistical mechanics of constrained systems, especially in correlations and fluctuations in these systems.

Institution: Brandeis University
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Henry Cohn

I am a theorist. I am interested in packing and ground state problems.

Institution: Microsoft Research New England
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Leticia F. Cugliandolo

I am a theorist. I work on out of equilibrium classical and quantum problems with analytical and numerical methods. My current interests include classical and quantum glasses, frustrated magnets, coarsening systems and active matter.

Institution: Sorbonne Universites - Universite Pierre et Marie Curie - LPTHE
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Karen Daniels

Our lab performs experiments on a variety of non-equilibrium and non-linear soft matter systems, including granular materials, colloids, and gels.

I am an experimentalist.

Institution: NC State University
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Mark Ediger

We prepare molecular glasses by vapor deposition and have discovered ultrastable glasses. We measure molecular mobility during the deformation of polymer glasses to understand mechanisms of nonlinear deformation.

I am an experimentalist.

Institution: University of Wisconsin-Madison
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Surya Ganguli

I am a theorist. I work at the intersection of neuroscience, physics and machine learning, focusing on how higher order computations emerge from networks of neurons and synapses.

Institution: Stanford University
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Sharon Glotzer

I am a theorist. My research centers on computational assembly science and engineering studies for predictive materials design of colloidal and soft matter.

Institution: University of Michigan
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Florent Krzakala

I am a theorist. My main research focus is the statistical behavior of disordered systems and the study of the collective behavior of complex assemblies of simple elementary components in physics, optimization and machine learning.

Institution: Ecole Normale Superieure & University Paris 6
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Pierre Le Doussal

Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics: Avalanches, Growth and non-equilibrium dynamics, KPZ-equation and links to quantum integrability, Disordered systems, Functional renormalization group, Turbulence, Polymerized membranes and graphene, Quantum baths and relaxation, Extreme value statistics, freezing transitions and Gaussian free field 

Institution: Ecole Normale Supérieure
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Andrea J. Liu

I am a condensed matter theorist working on soft and living matter systems.

Institution: University of Pennsylvania
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M. Lisa Manning

I am a theorist. The Manning group uses theoretical and computational tools to understand collective motion in disordered, non-equilibrium “materials”, including biological tissues.

Institution: Syracuse University
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Cristopher Moore

I am a theorist. I study problems at the interface between statistical physics and statistical inference, including networks, phase transitions, and computational complexity

Institution: Santa Fe Institute
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Sidney Nagel

I am a soft-matter experimentalist. One of the things we study in our lab have to do with singularities and pattern formation in fluid systems, the dynamics of granular matter, the physics of the jammed state, memory formation in disordered materials.

Institution: University of Chicago
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David R. Reichman

I am a theorist broadly interested in dynamical process in condensed phases. In particular, our group focuses on classical and quantum glassy systems as well as the optical and electronic properties of emerging materials.

Institution: Columbia University
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Federico Ricci-Tersenghi

I am a theorist. My research interests range from the theory of strongly disordered systems (spin glasses) and structural glasses to optimization (constraint satisfaction problems), inference and machine learning, with a particular emphasis on out-of-equilibrium dynamics. My expertise covers both analytical computations and large scale numerical simulations.

Institution: Sapienza University of Rome
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Guilhem Semerjian

I am a theoretical physicist working in statistical physics of disordered systems and its applications to computer science, discrete mathematics and information theory.

Institution: LPT-ENS

Gilles Tarjus

I am a theorist interested in statistical physics, theory of glassy and disordered systems

Institution: LPTMC (CNRS-University P. & M. Curie)

David Weitz

David Weitz’s group studies the physics of soft condensed matter, materials which are easily deformed by external stresses, electric, magnetic or gravitational fields, or even by thermal fluctuations.

Institution: Harvard University
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Patrick Charbonneau

The Charbonneau Group pursues frontier research in soft matter using simulation and theory. We tackle questions ranging from the molecular to the colloidal scale, such as the glass problem, protein crystallization, and micron- and nano-scale particle assembly.

I am a theorist.

Institution: Duke University
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Eric I. Corwin

Soft condensed matter, granular materials, jamming, the glass transition, and non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, using experimental, simulational, and theoretical tools.

I am an experimentalist.

Institution: University of Oregon
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Leo Radzihovsky

I am a theorist interested in states of condensed matter and phase transitions between them, particularly when fluctuations and correlations are qualitatively important.

Institution: University of Colorado at Boulder
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Francesco Zamponi

I am a theorist. I am interested in the statistical mechanics of disordered systems, with application to glasses, spin glasses, disordered sphere packings, quantum glasses, quantum information, and out-of-equilibrium dynamics. I am also interested in interdisciplinary applications of statistical mechanics in economy, biology, and computer science.

Institution: ENS/CNRS
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Lenka Zdeborova

I am a theorist. I use statistical physics and methods developed in theory of disordered systems to study problems in computer science, information theory, combinatorics and machine learning. I am particularly keen on in phase transitions, algorithms, computational complexity, and their interplay.

Institution: IPhT, CEA Saclay
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Aghil Abed Zadeh

I am an experimentalist, interested in granular materials near criticality and crackling behavior of sheared granular media.

Institution: Duke Univerisity
Advisor: Bob Behringer

Irem Altan

I am a theorist interested in soft matter, with particular focus on protein crystallization and glassy materials.

Institution: Duke University
Advisor: Dr. Patrick Charbonneau

Ada Altieri

I am a theorist working on disordered and glassy systems, from field theory and critical phenomena to optimization problems, with particular attention to the jamming transition.  

Institution: Sapienza Università di Roma; LPTMS Université Paris-Sud
Advisor: Prof. Giorgio Parisi, Prof. Silvio Franz

Daria Atkinson

I am a theorist.

Research Interests: I’m interested in the structure and geometric treatments of 1-d filament assemblies, and their correspondence lower dimensional structures.

Institution: University of Massachusetts Amherst
Advisor: Christian Santangelo and Greg Grason

Benjamin Aubin

I am theoretical physicist and I am interested in statistical inference, using methods of statistical physics of disordered and complex systems.

Institution: Institute for Theoretical Physics (IPhT, CEA Saclay)
Advisor: Lenka Zdeborova

Chris Baldwin

I am a theorist interested in non-equilibrium statistical and quantum physics (glassy dynamics, localization, stochastic processes, etc.)

Institution: Boston University
Advisor: Chris Laumann

Karsten Baumgarten

I am interested in the mechanical and structural properties of  complex fluids and solids with emphasis on critical effects near rigidity transitions. I am a theorist.

Institution: Delft University of Technology
Advisor: Brian P. Tighe

Farzan Beroz

I am interested in the mechanics of soft, living matter, including mechanosensory cells, disordered biopolymer networks, and bacterial biofilms. I am a theorist.

Institution: Princeton University
Advisor: Ned S. Wingreen

Gabriel Canova

Theoretical physicist. I am currently working with discrete and continuous spin systems and game theory applied on complex networks.

Institution: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) - Porto Alegre -Brazil
Advisor: Jeferson J. Arenzon

Cong Cao

I’m an experimentalist who is interested in colloidal, emulsion and active matter systems. 

Institution: Emory University
Advisor: Eric R. Weeks

Shyr-Shea Chang

I am a theorist with an applied math background interested in fluid mechanics and its application to biology. Currently I’m working on microvascular systems and developing analytical and numerical methods to find optimal hydraulic networks in different functions to compare with experimental data.

Institution: UCLA
Advisor: Marcus Roper

Hanrong Chen

I am a theorist interested in problems at the interface of statistical physics and biology, and I currently work on viral dynamics on a fitness landscape.

Institution: Harvard University
Advisor: Mehran Kardar

Xiaowen Chen

I am interested in problems at the interface of statistical physics and living systems. Currently, I am working on the relation between collective behaviors and local interactions in biological neural networks. I am a theorist.

Institution: Princeton University
Advisor: William Bialek

Simone Ciarella

I am a theorist and my area of interest are soft matter, polymer physics and statistical mechanics.

Institution: Eindhoven University of Technology
Advisor: Wouter Ellenbroek, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven and Francesco Sciortino, Sapienza - Universita' di Roma

Joel Clemmer

Interests: Computation and non-equilibrium processes, in particular critical phenomena and avalanches in disordered systems. (Theorist)

Institution: Johns Hopkins University
Advisor: Mark O. Robbins

Francesco Concetti

I am a theorist. my main interest is about the full replica symmetry breaking solution of mean field spin glass models.

Institution: Sapienza Università di Roma
Advisor: Giorgio Parisi

Peter Crowther

I am an experimentalist, studying the structure and dynamics of glassy colloidal systems using confocal microscopy.

Institution: University of Bristol, UK
Advisor: Dr. Paddy Royall

Eduardo Dominguez

I am a theorist interested in statistical mechanics of complex systems, inference problems, neural networks, etc.

Institution: University of Havana
Advisor: Roberto Mulet

Carlos Duque

I’m currently working on soft matter physics. I’m particularly interested in exploring problems related to geometry and elasticity. Currently, we are studying problems related to the non-uniform growth of elastic surfaces in order to design all kind of two-dimensional shapes. I consider myself a theorist.

Institution: University of Massachusetts Amherst
Advisor: Chris Santangelo

Davide Facoetti

I am a theoretical physicist. I am interested in studying  quantum systems out of equilibrium using techniques from field theory, random matrices and glasses. 

Institution: King's College London
Advisor: Pierpaolo Vivo and Joe Bhaseen

Varda Faghir Hagh

I am a theorist and I am mainly interested in the study of rigidity transition in disordered systems- with a focus on the effect of geometry on such transitions.

Institution: Arizona State University
Advisor: Michael F. Thorpe

Aaron Friedman

I am a theorist working on the phases and dynamics of isolated many-body quantum systems far from equilibrium.

Institution: University of California, Irvine
Advisor: Sid Parameswaran

Marylou Gabrié

I am a theorist. I am interested in understanding some high dimensional statistical problems from theoretical computer science, such as learning algorithms or statistical inference, using results and methods from disordered systems physics.

Institution: ENS Paris
Advisor: Florent Krzakala

Marco Aurelio Galvani Cunha

I am theorist working on polymer physics, more specifically on non-equilibrium effects during polymer welding.

Institution: Johns Hopkins University
Advisor: Mark Robbins

Guga Gogia

I am an experimentalist studying non-equilibrium processes in dusty (complex) plasmas. 

Institution: Emory University
Advisor: Justin Burton

Yi Hu

My research interests is applying statistical mechanics approach to solve hard sphere systems, such as assembly and phase transition. I am a theorist.

Institution: Duke Univerisity
Advisor: Dr. Patrick Charbonneau

Andrea Kadović

I study theoretical condensed matter physics and I am currently interested in applications of statistical physics on networks.

Institution: Ruđer Bošković Institute, Zagreb, Croatia
Advisor: Vinko Zlatić

Shachi Katira

I am a theorist interested in glassy dynamics and the glass transition. 

Institution: University of California, Berkeley
Advisor: David Chandler

Dion J. Koeze

I am a theorist interested in numerical studies of the mechanics and structure of amorphous matter in constrained geometries.

Institution: TU Delft
Advisor: Brian P. Tighe

Alexandre Krajenbrink

I am a theorist interested in the link between random matrices, quantum mechanics, polymer models and the KPZ universality class.

Institution: Ecole Normale Supérieure
Advisor: Pierre Le Doussal

Charuhansini Kulkarni

I am an experimentalist interested in active liquid-glass transitions in biological systems.

Institution: National Centre for Biological Sciences, Bangalore, India
Advisor: Shashi Thutupalli

Joyjit Kundu

I am a theorist. My research interest lies broadly in the areas of Statistical physics and Soft-condensed matter physics. 

Institution: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Advisor: Dr. Stephen Whitelam

Chun-cheong Lam

I study condensed matter physics theory. I have broad interests in problems related to field theories and foundation of statistical physics. Recently I am working on a project about spin liquid.

Institution: University of California, San Diego
Advisor: John McGreevy and Tarun Grover

Cathy Li

I’m interested in phase transition phenomena in many-body system and computational problems related to spin glass. I’m a theorist.

Institution: Duke Univerisity
Advisor: Henry Pfister

Harry Liu

I am a theorist interested in self-assemblies of colloidal particles related to particle shape.

Institution: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Advisor: Greg van Anders

Jing Luo

I am a theorist interested in frustrated systems.

Institution: University of Virginia
Advisor: Gia-Wei Chern

Maxwell Marple

I am an experimentalist and my research interests focus on developing structure-property relationships of inorganic network glasses with particular emphasis on ionic conductivity and non-Newtonian viscous flow. 

Institution: University of California, Davis
Advisor: Sabyasachi Sen

Zhe Mei

Theoretical and Computational physics. My research area is protein 3D structure simulation. 

Institution: Yale University
Advisor: Corey O'Hern

Peter Morse

I’m a theorist interested in geometric properties of the energy landscape of jammed systems. I’m also interested in the use of random matrices to model disordered systems. 

Institution: Syracuse University
Advisor: Lisa Manning

Aya Nawano

I am interested in understanding glass-forming ability of bulk metallic glasses using molecular dynamics simulations. I am a theorist.

Institution: Yale University
Advisor: Corey O'Hern

Fernanda Pereira da Cruz Benetti

I am a theorist interested in glassy systems and jamming, specifically the frequency spectra near jamming and soft modes.

Institution: Sapienza University of Rome
Advisor: Giorgio Parisi

Abby Plummer

I am a theorist. I am interested in non-equilibrium statistical physics, and my recent work has focused on population genetics in turbulence. 

Institution: Harvard University
Advisor: David R. Nelson

Noah A. Rahman

I am a theorist. My interests are in many-body localization, spin glasses and disordered systems as they relate to quantum computation and preservation of quantum information, as well as low-dimensional integrable systems. 

Institution: Tulane University
Advisor: Eliot Kapit and Alexander Burin

Riccardo Ravasio

I am a theorist. 

Research interests: disordered systems, protein mechanics, amorphous solids, inference methods, co-evolution

Institution: Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
Advisor: Professor Matthieu Wyart

Nick Robe

I am a theorist studying dynamic heterogeneity in simulations of aging colloidal glasses.

Institution: Emory University
Advisor: Dr. Stefan Boettcher

Joshua Robinson

I am a theorist, studying the connection between local structure and dynamical arrest in glasses using liquid state theory.

Institution: University of Bristol, UK
Advisor: Dr. Paddy Royall

Stefano Sarao

I study theoretical physics and I am interested in applications of statistical physics in information theory.

Institution: Politecnico di Torino (Italy)

Camille Scalliet

I am a theorist interested in the statistical mechanics of disordered systems, focusing on glassy physics.

Institution: University of Montpellier
Advisor: Ludovic Berthier & Francesco Zamponi

Alexandra Signoriello

I am a theorist studying the spatiotemporal evolution of cell mechanics in tissue development, specifically tumorigenesis.

Institution: Yale University
Advisor: Corey O'Hern

Murari Singh

I am a theorist interested in Mechanical Yield in Amorphous Solids 

Institution: Weizmann Institute of Science
Advisor: Prof. Itamar Procaccia

Iryna Sivak

I am a mathematician with a passion for doing experiments and transforming theory to reality.

Institution: École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne EPFL
Advisor: Tobias Schneider

Stefano Spigler

I’m interested in the study of disordered systems under external perturbations: avalanches, elastic response, plastic events. I am a theorist

Institution: LPTMS, Univ. Paris-Sud
Advisor: Silvio Franz

Watee Srinin

I am a theorist who works on problems related to the dynamics of interphase chromatin and ring polymers.

Institution: New York University
Advisor: Alexander Y. Grosberg

Ethan Stanifer

I’m a theorist working to understand properties of disordered solids by using random matrix models. I am also interested in the failure of disordered materials under external stresses.

Institution: Syracuse University
Advisor: Lisa Manning

Menachem (Nachi) Stern

I am interested in glassy systems, glass transitions and statistical mechanics in general. I regard myself as a theorist.

Institution: University of Chicago and James Franck Institute
Advisor: Arvind Murugan

Michio Tateno

I am an experimentalist. Interests: complex fluid; colloidal suspensions; aggregation kinetics; gelation; dynamic arrest; structure; mechanical response

Institution: The University of Tokyo, Japan
Advisor: Hajime Tanaka

Georgios Tsekenis

I am a theorist working on the jamming, glass and Gardner transitions with computational and analytical tools. I have a broad interest in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics problems, avalanches, disordered systems.

Institution: University of Oregon
Advisor: Eric Corwin, Patrick Charbonneau, Giorgio Parisi, Francesco Zamponi

Michael R. van der Naald

I am an experimentalist working on the Gardner transition in jammed systems using soft-sphere simulations.  My interests are non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, particularly glassy and jammed systems.

Institution: University of Oregon
Advisor: Eric Corwin

Neha Wadia

I am a theorist. My main areas of interest are nonequilibrium statistical mechanics, statistical machine learning, and systems neuroscience.

Institution: University of California, Berkeley
Advisor: Michael R. DeWeese

Jun Wang

Physics interest: Multimaterial interaction and interface physics. I am a theorist.

Institution: University of Colorado, Denver
Advisor: Professor Yail Jimmy Kim

Junyi Zhang

I am studying condensed matter theories and AMO experiments. I am interested in quantum Hall effect and strongly correlated many-body physics and in the corresponding systems realized with cold atoms and lights. I am a theorist.

Institution: Princeton University
Advisor: Prof. Duncan Haldane

Shang Zhang

I am a theorist. I mainly focus on elastic properties near the isostatic point. I’m also interested in computational methods in soft matter systems, as well as other interesting topics of complex systems.

Institution: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Advisor: Xiaoming Mao

Yuchen Zhao

I am interested in jammed disordered granular matter and has a broad interests in statistical physics, nonlinear dynamics. I am an experimentalist.

Institution: Duke Univerisity
Advisor: Prof. Robert P. Behringer

Yuanjian Zheng

I’m a theorist interested in non-equilibrium statistical physics of quantum, classical and active disordered systems. 

Institution: École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Advisor: Matthieu Wyart

Di Zhou

Area of interest: condensed matter theory on soft matter systems, topological metamaterials. I am a theorist.

Institution: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Advisor: Xiaoming Mao