Reading Material
1. Introduction to computer simulations I [K.Kremer]
- K. Kremer, K. Binder, Monte Carlo simulation of lattice models for macromolecules, Comp. Phys. Rep. 7, 259 (1988)
- C. Peter, K. Kremer, Multiscale simulation of soft matter systems, Faraday Disc. 144, 9 (2010)
2. Introduction to computer simulations II [K.Kremer]
- Ralf Everaers, Sathish K. Sukumaran, Gary S. Grest, Carsten Svaneborg, Arvind Sivasubramanian, and Kurt Kremer, Rheology and Microscopic Topology of Entangled Polymeric Liquids, Science, 303, 823 (2004)
- Frenkel and Smit “Understanding Molecular Simulations”, Academic Press
3. Polymer physics I [A.Grosberg]
- A. Y. Grosberg & A. R. Khokhlov “Statistical Physics of Macromolecules” AIP 1994; Chapter 1 (pages 1-27 and 41-59); Chapter 2 (pages 79-93)
- M. Rubinstein & R. H. Colby “Polymer Physics”, Oxford 2003; Chapter 2 (pages 49-63 and 66-78 and 98-102)
- A. Y. Grosberg & A. R. Khokhlov “Giant Molecules: Here, There, and Everywhere”, World Scientific 2010 (pages 152-162)
4. Polymer physics II [M.Rubinstein]
- M. Rubinstein & R. H. Colby “Polymer Physics”, Oxford 2003; Chapter 3 (pages 102-109, 113-121 and 125-129); Chapter 4 (pages 137-159 and 163-165)
5. Polymer physics III [M.Rubinstein]
- M. Rubinstein & R. H. Colby “Polymer Physics”, Oxford 2003; Chapter 5 (pages 171-186 and 190-191)
6. Polymer physics IV [A.Grosberg]
- A. Yu. Grosberg & A. R. Khokhlov “Statistical Physics of Macromolecules” AIP 1994 chapter 1 (pages 27-41) Chapter 3 (pages 119-148)
7. Charged polymers I [M.Rubinstein]
8. Charged polymers II [M.Rubinstein]
9. Charged polymers III [M.Rubinstein]
10. Networks and gels I [Y.Rabin]
- M. Rubinstein and R.H. Colby, “Polymer Physics” (Oxford, 2003), Chapters 6 & 7
- P.-G. de Gennes, “Scaling Concepts in Polymer Physics” (Cornell, 1979), Chapter 5
11. Networks and gels II [Y.Rabin]
12. Biopolymers [A.Grosberg]
- A. Y. Grosberg & A. R. Khokhlov “Statistical Physics of Macromolecules” AIP 1994, Chapter 7, pages 289-333
13. Disordered polymers [A.Grosberg]
14. Surfactants and membranes I [S. Safran]
15. Biology and Soft Matter by Numbers. [Y.Rabin]
- R. Phillips, J. Kondev, J. Theriot, “Physical Biology of the Cell” (Garland, 2009) A.D. Bates and A. Maxwell, “DNA Topology” (Oxford, 2005)
16. Viruses I [R.Bruinsma]
17. Biophysics [Bruinsma]
- G.Benedek, F.Villars “Phyisics with Illustrative Examples from Medicine and Biology: v. 3 Electricity and Magnetism”, second edition, Springer Verlag, 2000, Chapter III
- Meyer B. Jackson “Molecular Biophysics”, Cambridge University Press 2006, Chapters 13-16
29. Polymer Dynamics [McLeish]
32-33. Brushes and micelles [E. Zhulina]
- S.T. Milner “Polymer brushes” Science, vol 251, p.905 (1991)
- O.V. Borisov, E.B. Zhulina, F.A.M. Leermakers, M. Ballauff, and A.H.E. Mueller, “Conformations and Solution Properties of Star-Branched Polyelectrolytes”, Adv. Polym. Sci. 241: 1-55 (2011)
- O.V. Borisov, E.B. Zhulina, F.A.M. Leermakers, and A.H.E. Mueller, “Self-Assembled Structures of Amphiphilic Ionic Block Copolymers: Theory, Self-Consistent Field Modeling and Experiment”, Adv. Polym. Sci. 241: 57-129 (2011)
- E.B. Zhulina and O.V. Borisov, “Theory of Block Polymer Micelles: Recent Advances and Current Challenges”, Macromolecules (to be published 2012)