Boulder School 2008: Roster

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Darya Aleinikava

College of Staten Island, CUNY

Advisor: Anatoly Kuklov

I am a theorist. My research interests are quantum phase transitions and Monte-Carlo simulations.
Darya Aleinikava
aleinikava [at]

Arturo Arguelles

Hanover University

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Luis Santos

I am a theorist who is interested in numerical experiments (MPS) on one-dimensional optical lattices, spin chains and laddes, BEC, spinor fermions for both dynamical and ground-state analisys.
Arturo Arguelles
arturo [at]

N. Peter Armitage, Lecturer

The Johns Hopkins University

I am a condensed matter experimentalist who uses specialized low frequency optical techniques to study correlated electronic states of matter.
N. Peter Armitage
npa [at]

Leon Balents, Lecturer

University of California, Santa Barbara

I am a condensed matter theory interested in quantum and correlation effects in materials and artificial structures.
Leon Balents
balents [at]

Robert P. Beaird

Louisiana State University

Advisor: Ilya Vekhter

I am a theorist. My current research interests include paramagnetically-limited superconducting systems in the presence of magnetic fluctuations.
Robert P. Beaird
rbeair1 [at]

Claude Bourbonnais, Lecturer

Université de Sherbrooke

As a theorist I work on the physics of low dimensional organic conductors and superconductors and to the development and applications of renormalisation group methods to low dimensional correlated systems.
Claude Bourbonnais
cbourbon [at]

Collin Broholm, Scientific Coordinator

Johns Hopkins University

I am an experimental condensed matter physicist interested in strongly correlated electron systems, quantum magnets, and superconductivity in materials close to magnetic instabilities.
Collin Broholm
broholm [at]

Ingrid Bausmerth

Universita di Trento

Advisor: Prof. Sandro Stringari

I am a theorist. I am interested in the physics of ultracold trapped atomic gases (fermionic and bosonic).
Ingrid Bausmerth
ingrid [at]

Erez Berg

Stanford University

Advisor: Steve Kivelson

I am a theorist. I’m working on strogly correlated electron systems, with emphasis on one dimensional problems and superconductivity.
Erez Berg
berez [at]

Doron L. Bergman

Yale University

Advisor: Leon Balents

I am a condensed matter theorist interested in various frustrated magnetic (and other) systems (quantum and classical), topological effects in various phases (superconductors and insulators), dynamics in central spin systems, and multiferroics.
Doron L. Bergman
doron.bergman [at]

Lucas S. Bilbro

Johns Hopkins University

Advisor: Peter Armitage

I am an experimentalist. I am interested in new experimental methods of detecting and predicting phase transitions and emergent behavior.
Lucas S. Bilbro
lsbilbro [at]

Noah Bray-Ali

University of Southern California

Advisor: Joel E. Moore

I am a theorist. I am interested in materials and devices with nanoscale inhomogeneity, and the novel states of condensed matter that arise in them.
Noah Bray-Ali
nbrayali [at]

Fiona Burnell

Princeton University

Advisor: Shivaji Sondhi

I am a theorist. My primary interest is in strongly correlated systems, with a focus on frustrated magnetism and spin liquids.
Fiona Burnell
fburnell [at]

Paul Canfield, Lecturer

Ames Laboratory

I am an experimental condensed matter physicist who tries to design, discover, grow and characterize materials with novel and correlated electron ground states.
Paul Canfield
canfield [at]

Sophie Charpentier

Université de Sherbrooke

Advisor: Patrick Fournier

I am an experimentalist. I study Josephson junctions made with thin films (deposited by PLD) of electron doped cuprates, in order to better understand their phase diagram, in particular, the pseudo-gap phase.
Sophie Charpentier
sophie.charpentier [at]

Gang Chen

University of California, Santa Barbara

Advisor: Leon Balents

I am a theorist. My research interests are frustrated Quantum magnetism and spintronics.
Gang Chen
chggst [at]

Bryan K. Clark

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Advisor: David Ceperley

am a theorist. My research interests involve using computational techniques, specifically quantum Monte Carlo, to understand a variety of strongly correlated systems including supersolids and 2d charged systems.
Bryan K. Clark
bkclark [at]

Piers Coleman, Scientific Coordinator & Lecturer

Rutgers University

I am a theorist. My research is concerned with the fundamentally new classes of collective condensed matter behavior that emerge in complex materials.
Piers Coleman
coleman [at]

Vladimir Cvetkovic

Johns Hopkins University

Advisor: Jan Zaanen

I am a theorist. My research interests are High-Tc superconductivity, duality in gauge field theories, emergent phenomena, Dirac materials.
vladimir [at]

Daniel S. Dessau, Lecturer

University of Colorado

I am an experimentalist studying correlated electron materials such as high-Tc superconductors and CMR oxides. We study the electronic structure and phase transitions of these materials using ARPES and other spectroscopies.
Daniel S. Dessau
Dessau [at]

Wenxin Ding

Florida State University & NHMFL

Advisor: Kun Yang

I am a theorist. My research interests are QHE, FQHE, quantum phase transition, graphene, entanglement entropy, mostly analytic calculation.
Wenxin Ding
wd06 [at]

Rafael M. Fernandes

State University of Campinas - Unicamp


Harry Westfahl Jr.

I am a theorist. My research interests are critical phenomena and transport properties in systems with competing interactions.
Rafael M. Fernandes
rafaelmf [at]

Rebecca A. Flint

Rutgers University

Advisor: Piers Coleman

I am a theorist. My research interests are frustrated magnetism, heavy fermions and high Tc superconductivity.
Rebecca A. Flint
flint [at]

Liang Fu

University of Pennsylvania

Advisor: Charles Kane

I am a theorist. I am interested in topological aspects of band theory and electronic transport.
Liang Fu
liangfu [at]

Shunsuke Furukawa


Advisor: Dr. Akira Furusaki

I am a theorist. My research interests are Quantum magnetism; Numerical methods for many-body systems.
Shunsuke Furukawa
sfurukawa [at]

Ion Garate

University of Texas at Austin

Advisor: Allan MacDonald

I am a theorist. My research interests are Magnetism and Superconductivity.
Ion Garate
garate [at]

Pouyan Ghaemi Mohammadi

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Advisor: Prof. Senthil Todadri

I am a theorist. My research interests are strongly correlated electron systems, high temperature superconductivity, heavy fermions and frustrated magnets.
Pouyan Ghaemi Mohammadi
pouyan [at]

Glen L. Goodvin

University of British Columbia

Advisor: Dr. Mona Berciu

I am a theorist. My research interests are in theoretical condensed matter physics, particularly electron-phonon coupling.
Glen L. Goodvin
goodving [at]

Lilach Goren

Weizmann Institute of Science

Advisor: Dr. Ehud Altman

I am a theorist. I am interested in strongly correlated electronic systems and in particular high temperature superconductivity.
Lilach Goren
lilach.goren [at]

Tarun Grover

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Advisor: Senthil Todadri

I am a theorist who is interested in various strongly correlated phases and phase transitions involving them.
Tarun Grover
tarung [at]

Daniel L. Hansen

University of California, Santa Cruz

Advisor: Sriram Shastry

I am a theorist. My research interests are quantum phase transitions and non-equilibrium dynamics in correlated systems.
Daniel L. Hansen
dhansen [at]

Elena Hassinger

CEA Grenoble

Advisor: Jacques Flouquet

I am an experimentalist and in my research I do transport and thermodynamic measurements under pressure to study the phases near a quantum critical point in uranium heavy fermion systems.
Elena Hassinger
elena.hassinger [at]

Ryan J. Heary

SUNY at Buffalo

Advisor: Jong E. Han

I am a theorist interested in strongly correlated non-equilibrium transport through quantum dots and applications to Dynamical Mean-field Theory.
Ryan J. Heary
rjheary [at]

Layla Hormozi

Joint Quantum Institute, NIST and University of Maryland

Advisor: Nicholas E. Bonesteel

I am a theorist. I am broadly interested in the study of emergent phenomena in strongly correlated many-body systems, in particular topologically-ordered phases.
Layla Hormozi
lhormozi [at]

Jose A. Hoyos Neto

Duke University

Advisor: Harold Baranger

I am a theorist currently working on classical and quantum phase transitions, disordered and/or strongly correlated systems.
Jose A. Hoyos Neto
jh146 [at]

Taylor Hughes

Stanford University

Advisor: Shou-Cheng Zhang

I am a theorist. My research interests are topological transport in insulators and superconductors, semiconductor spintronics, high-energy physics.

Taylor Hughes
hughest [at]

Yejin Huh

Harvard University

Advisor: Subir Sachdev

I am a theorist. I am interested in quantum phase transitions, high temperature superconductivity, and quantum magnetism.
Yejin Huh
yejinhuh [at]

Wendell Huttema

Simon Fraser University

Advisor: David Broun

I am an experimentalist. My research interests are microwave spectroscopy of cuprate, heavy-fermion and other exotic superconductors.
Wendell Huttema
wah [at]

Deborah Jin, Lecturer

University of Colorado & JILA

jin [at]

Bernhard Keimer, Lecturer

Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart

Bernhard Keimer
B.Keimer [at]

Wing-Ho Ko

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Advisor: Patrick A. Lee

I am a theorist. My research interests are Strongly-correlated electronic system in general, quantum magnets and doped Mott insulator in particular.
Wing-Ho Ko
wingho [at]

Gabriel Kotliar, Lecturer

Rutgers University

I am a theorist. We are working to develop the concepts and the techniques to describe and predict the unique physical properties of strongly correlated materials. We are interested in manifestations of the strong correlation phenomena such as high temperature superconductivity, the Mott transition and heavy fermion criticality. We combine field theory and computational approaches in the area of theoretical material research.
Gabriel Kotliar
kotliar [at]

Kam Tuen Law

Brown University

Advisor: Dima Feldman

I am a theorist. My research interests are low dimensional strongly correlated systems with emphasis on FQHE.
Kam Tuen Law
Kam_Tuen_Law [at]

Karyn Le Hur, Lecturer

Yale University

I am a theorist. My research interests are condensed matter, strongly correlated electron systems, nanosystems, cold atomic systems, quantum information theory.

Karyn Le Hur

karyn.lehur [at]

SungBin Lee

University of California, Santa Barbara

Advisor: Leon Balents

I am interested in Condensed matter theory. My current project is the spin-orbit effects and lock-in in A-site spinel magnets.
SungBin Lee
sungbin [at]

Wei-Cheng Lee

The University of Texas at Austin

Advisor: Prof. Allan H. MacDonald

I am a theorist. My research interests are novel phases in the strongly correlated systems, interfacial states near the transition metal oxide heterojunctions, and superconductivity due to non-phonon pairing mechanism

Wei-Cheng Lee
leewc [at]

Renyuan Liao

Kent State University

Advisor: Khandker Quader

I am a theorist. My areas of physics interest are ultracold atoms, optical lattice, strong correlated systems, superconductivity and superfluidity.
Renyuan Liao
rliao [at]

Albert Shi-Hsin Lin

University of Notre Dame

Advisor: Boldizsar Janko

I am a theorist working on semiconductor-superconductor hybrid systems.
Albert Shi-Hsin Lin
slin2 [at]

Roman M. Lutchyn

University of Maryland

Advisors: L. Glazman/A. Larkin

I am a theorist. My research interests are unconventional and mesoscopic superconductivity.
Roman M. Lutchyn
lutchyn [at]

Allan H. MacDonald, Scientific Coordinator

University of Texas, Austin

I am a theoriest interested in electronic Properties of Condensed Matter.

Allan H. MacDonald
macdpc [at]

Marianna Maltseva

Rutgers University

Advisor: Piers Coleman

I am a theorist. My research interests are strongly correlated electron systems, quantum critical phenomena, high-Tc superconductivity and heavy fermion systems.
Marianna Maltseva
maltseva [at]

Max Metlitski

Harvard University

Advisor: Subir Sachdev

I’m a theorist. My research interests are in understanding strongly correlated systems from a quantum phase transition viewpoint.
Max Metlitski
mmetlits [at]

Andrew Millis, Lecturer

Columbia University

I am a theorist. My research interests are correlated electron physics: high temperature superconductivity, magnetism, quantum critical phenomena, optical conductivity; nonequilibrium phenomena; numerical methods.
Andrew Millis
millis [at]

Hongki Min

University of Texas, Austin

Advisor: Allan H. MacDonald

I am a theorist. My research interests are condensed matter theory, many-body physics, graphene, spintronics and strongly correlated systems.  
Hongki Min
hongki [at]

Vesna Mitrovic, Lecturer

Brown University

I am a condensed matter experimentalist who uses NMR spectroscopy to study quantum phenomena arising in strongly correlated electron systems at low temperatures and high magnetic fields.
Vesna Vitrovic
vemi [at]

Maxim V. Mostovoy, Lecturer

Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials

I am a theorist interested in strongly correlated electron systems.
Maxim V. Mostovoy
m.mostovoy [at]

Anamitra Mukherjee

Harish Chandra Research Institute

Advisor: Pinaki Majumdar

I am a theorist. I am interested in disordered and strongly correlated electron systems; mesoscopic systems.
Anamitra Mukherjee
anam [at]

Eundeok Mun

Iowa State University and Ames Laboratory

Advisor: Paul C. Canfield

I am a experimentalist who is interested in designing novel materials and strongly correlated electron systems, in particular, Ce and Yb-based heavy fermion systems.
Eundeok Mun
edmun [at]

James Murray

Johns Hopkins University

Advisor: Zlatko Tesanovic

I’m a theorist, and my main interests are superconductors and phase transitions.
James Murray
murray [at]

N. Phuan Ong, Lecturer

Princeton University

I am an experimentalist interested in strong-correlation physics.
N. Phuan Ong
npo [at]

Jutta Ortloff

University of Wuerzburg

Advisor: Carsten Honerkamp

I am a condensed matter theorist currently interested in the Functional Renormalization Group and its application to low dimensional systems.
Jutta Ortloff
ortloff [at]

Hyowon Park

Rutgers University

Advisor: Kristjan Haule

I am a theorist and I am interested in theoretical study of strongly correlated systems using computational tools (such as DMFT).
Hyowon Park
hwpark73 [at]

Aleksandra Petkovic

University of Cologne

Advisor: Thomas Nattermann

I am a theorist interested in effects of disorder on elastic systems (e.g. flux line lattices in type II superconductors, Luttinger liquids).
Aleksandra Petkovic
ap [at]

Yang Qi

Harvard University

Advisor: Subir Sachdev

I am a theorist. I do theoretical research in strongly correlated electron system and Mott physics; currently working on t-J model on triangular lattice.
Yang Qi
yangqi [at]

Leo Radzihovsky, Director & Lecturer

University of Colorado

I am a theorist, interested in the theory of states of condensed matter and phase transitions between them, particularly in systems where fluctuations and correlations are qualitatively important.

radzihov [at]

Srinivas Raghu

Stanford University

Advisor: F.D.M. Haldane

I am a theorist. I am currently interested in new quantum states of matter: ranging from topological insulators to unconventional superconductors.
sraghu [at]

Martin Rahlenbeck

Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research

Advisors: Prof. Keimer, Prof. Kleiner, Dr. Ulrich

I am an experimentalist. I’m interested in the physics of highly correlated electron systems, especially high temperature superconductivity, and their possible applications.
Martin Rahlenbeck
M.Rahlenbeck [at]

Ying Ran

University of California, Berkeley

Advisors: Prof. Dung-Hai Lee, Prof. Joel Moore and Prof. Ashvin Vishwanath

I am a theorist. I am working on (interested in) frustrated magnets, spin liquids, exotic phase transitions, High-Tc superconductivity and topological insulators.
Ying Ran
ranying [at]

Karen Rodriguez

Hanover University

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Luis Santos

I am a theorist. My research interests are Numerical simulations of strongly correlated 1D fermionic and bosonic systems, BEC, spinor fermions, one-particle and two-particle correlations functions. Ground-State properties and time-evolution analysis.
Karen Rodriguez
karen [at]

Judit Romhanyi

Budapest University of Technology and Economics & the Hungarian Research Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics

Advisor: Karlo Penc

I am a theoretist and my fields of interest are frustrated magnetic and electronic systems and the possible realization of exotic (like nematic) ordering in them. Currently we are working on the Tb2Ti2O7 pyrochlore system.
Judit Romhanyi
romhanyi [at]

Bahman Roostaei

Case Western Reserve University

Advisor: Kieran Mullen

I am a theorist in condensed matter physics. I am mostly interested in the novel phenomena in low dimensional electronic systems including quantum Hall effect and superfluids.
Bahman Roostaei
bxr90 [at]

Juan Salafranca

Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (CSIC)

Advisors: J.A. Verges and L. Brey

I am a theorist. My research interests are Strongly Correlated Materials, Manganites and other transition metal oxides. Properties of heterostructures and low dimensional materials, and electronic transport in mesoscopic systems.
Juan Salafranca
jsl [at]

Saeed Saremi


Advisor: Patrick A Lee

I am a theorist. I am currently interested in exotic quantum phases and quantum phase transitions motivated by the physics of the quantum critical point in heavy fermions.
Saeed Saremi
saeed [at]

Alexander A. Schafgans

University of California, San Diego

Advisor: Dimitri Basov

I am an experimentalist currently interested in magneto-optics of high Tc superconductors, as well as optical properties of novel electronic and magentic materials.
Alexander A. Schafgans
aschafgans [at]

R. Shankar, Lecturer

Yale University

I am a theorist. My research interests are RG, Quantum phases.
R. Shankar
r.shankar [at]

Auditya Sharma

University of California, Santa Cruz

Advisors: Sriram Shastry & Peter Young

I am a theorist. My reserach interests include: Exact Diagonalization numerical methods to study strongly correlated systems, and Monte Carlo methods to study spin glasses.
Auditya Sharma
sharma [at]

Jonathan R. Skuza

College of William & Mary

Advisor: Rosa Alejandra Lukaszew

I am an experimentalist interested in structure-property correlations of metallic/magnetic thin films and nanosturctures (e.g. FePt/Pd).
Jonathan R. Skuza
jrskuza [at]

Miles Stoudenmire

University of California, Santa Barbara

Advisor: Leon Balents

I am a theorist. My interests are low-dimensional quantum systems, frustrated magnets, numerical methods and non-perturbative techniques in general.
Miles Stoudenmire
miles [at]

Jianmin Sun

University of Utah

Advisor: Oleg A. Starykh

I am a theorist. I am interested in quantum phases of strongly correlated electron systems, especially in low-dimensional system.
Jianmin Sun
jmsun [at]

Barbara Theiler

ETH Zurich

Advisor: Gianni Blatter

I am a theorist, currently working on geometry-induced phase transitions in dipolar systems.
Barbara Theiler
btheiler [at]

Lara Thompson

University of British Columbia

Advisor: Philip Stamp

I am a theorist. I work on vortex/soliton dynamics, and, more recently, on the dynamics of quantum phase transitions.
Lara Thompson
thompson [at]

Senthil Todadri, Lecturer


I am interested in the theory of correlated many particle systems. Most recently I have been trying to develop a framework to understand metallic non-fermi liquid phases and critical points in such systems.
Senthil Todadri
senthil [at]

David A. Tompsett

University of Cambridge

Advisor: Gilbert Lonzarich

I am an experimentalist. My interests are electronic structure calculations of superconductor beta-YbAlB4 .
David A. Tompsett
dat36 [at]

Mayra Tovar

University of California, Riverside

Advisor: Dr. Kirill Shtengel

I am a theorist. My research interests are Classically and quantum mechanically frustrated systems.
Mayra Tovar
mtova002 [at]

Masafumi Udagawa

University of Tokyo

Advisor: Prof. Yukitoshi Motome

I am a theorist. My interest currently lies in “the spin correlation near Metal-Insulator transition of frustrated strongly-correlated systems”
Masafumi Udagawa
udagawa [at]

Vincent I. Ugarte

University of California, Riverside

Advisor: Chandra Varma

I am a theorist. My research interests are critical phenomena and transport properties of Cuprates.
Vincent I. Ugarte
vincent_ugarte [at]

Victor Vakaryuk

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Advisor: A.J. Leggett

I am a theorist. My recent research project is about flux quantization in mesoscopic superconductors.
Victor Vakaryuk
vakaryuk [at]

Marcus van der Vegte

Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Zernike Institute for advanced Materials

Advisors: M. Mostovoy / J. Knoester

I am a theorist. My research interest is the coexistence of different types of ordering in low dimensional systems.
Marcus van der Vegte
m.a.van.der.vegte [at]

Ashvin Vishwanath, Scientific Coordinator

University of California, Berkeley

Quantum Condensed Matter Theory

Ashvin Vishwanath
ashvinv [at]

Fa Wang

University of California, Berkeley

Advisor: Ashvin Vishwanath

I’m a theorist interested in strongly correlated electron systems, in particular (frustrated) quantum magnets and spin liquids.
Fa Wang
wangfa [at]

Xin Wang

Columbia University

Advisor: Andrew J. Millis

I am a theorist. I am currently studying strongly correlated electron system with quantum Monte Carlo technique.
Xin WAng
xin [at]

Conan W. Weeks

University of British Columbia

Advisor: Marcel Franz

I am a theorist.I am interested in fractionalization in 2D and its possible application to quantum computing.
Conan W. Weeks
cweeks [at]

Liu Wei

Johns Hopkins University

Advisor: Peter Armitage

I am an experimentalist. My current research focuses on using Corbino geometry to investigate quantum phase transition.
Liu Wei
liuwei [at]

Jian Wu

Washington University in S. Louis

Advisor: Stuart Solin

I am an experimentalist. My research interest is to study quantum phase transitions in Copper Hydroxy Nitrate class materials.
Jian Wu
jianwu [at]

Jiansheng Wu

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Advisor: Philip Phillips

I am a theorist. My research interests are high temperature superconductivity, disorder system, supersolid and cold atom gas.
Jiansheng Wu
wu4 [at]

Seiji J. Yamamoto

Rice University

Advisor: Qimiao Si

I am a theorist. My research interests are Magnetism; Heavy Fermions; Spin Liquids; Things with the word “Kondo”.
Seiji Yamamoto
seiji [at]

Daoxin Yao

Purdue University

Advisor: David Campbell

I am a theorist. I am currently interested in Condensed Matter Theory and Computational Physics: Strongly correlated electronic systems, Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) methods and applications, High temperature superconductivity, Graphene, etc.
Daoxin Yao
dyao [at]

Ali Yazdani, Lecturer

Princeton University

I am an experimentalist in Condensed Matter physics.
Ali Yazdani
yazdani [at]

Qi Zhou

The Ohio State University

Advisor: Tin-Lun Ho

I am a theorist. I am interested in cold atom physics and its relation to other strongly correlated systems.

Qi Zhou
qzhou [at]

Bilal Zoghbi

Kent State University

Advisor: Almut Schroeder

I am an experimental condensed matter physicist interested in strongly correlated electron systems and superconductivity in materials close to magnetic instabilities.
Bilal Zoghbi
belzoghb [at]

Yue Zou

California Institute of Technology

Advisor: Gil Refael

I am a theorist. My research interest is in strongly disordered superconducting thin films.
Yue Zou
zou [at]