Boulder School 2017: Reading Material

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Ludovic Berthier (Montpellier)

List of references

Giulio Biroli (IPHT)

Reference List

Bulbul Chakraborty (Brandeis)

Kabir Ramola and Bulbul Chakraborty, Stress Response of Granular Systems

J.P. Bouchand, Granular Media: some ideas from statistical physics

Sumantra Sarkar, Dapeng Bi, Jie Zhang, Jie Ren, R. P. Behringer, and Bulbul Chakraborty, Shear-induced rigidity of frictional particles: Analysis of emergent order in stress space

Leticia F. Cugliandolo (Sorbonne Universites - Universite Pierre et Marie Curie - LPTHE)

Notes - Dynamics

Dynamics of Glassy Systems

Mark Ediger (Wisconsin)

M.D. Ediger, C.A. Angell, and Sidney R. Nagel, Supercooled Liquids and Glasses

Kenneth L. Kerns, Stephen F. Swallen, M.D. Ediger, Tian Wu, Ye Sun, and Lian Yu, Hiking down the Energy Landscape: Progress Toward the Kauzmann Temperature via Vapor Deposition

J.Q. Wang, Y. Shen, J.H. PerePazko, and M.D. Ediger, Increasing the kinetic stability of bulk metallic glasses

Surya Ganguli (Stanford)

Review article:

Statistical mechanics of optimal convex inference in high dimensions:   An equivalence between high dimensional Bayes optimal inference and M-estimation - NIPS 2016)

Deep learning theory:    (Exact solutions to learning dynamics  - ICLR 2014)    (Saddle points in high dimensional spaces - NIPS 2014)   (Reversing diffusion to get deep generative models - ICML 2015)  (Exponential expressivity through the geometry of chaos - NIPS 2016) (Modeling the biological retina’s response to natural scenes - NIPS 2016) 

Florent Krzakala (ENS-Paris)

Florent Krzakala, Lenka Zdeborova, Maria Chiara Angelini, and Francesco Caltagirone, Statistical Physics of Inference and Bayesian Estimation

Lenka Zdeborova and Florent Krzakala, Statistical physics of inference: Thresholds and algorithms

Pierre Le Doussal (ENS-Paris)

Boulder School 2015 Slides

Boulder School 2015 Lecture Notes 1

Boulder School 2015 Lecture Notes 2

Boulder School 2015 Lecture Notes 3

M. Lisa Manning (Syracuse)

Reza Farhadifar, Jens-Christian Röper, Benoit Aigouy, Suzanne Eaton, and Frank Jülicher, ​The Influence of Cell Mechanics, Cell-Cell Interactions, and Proliferation on Epithelial Packing

Dapeng Bi, Xingbo Yang, M Christina Marchetti, and M. Lisa Manning, Motility-Driven Glass and Jamming Transitions in Biological Tissues

Chris Moore (Santa Fe Institute)

Aurélien Decelle, Janina Hüttel, Alaa Saade, and Cristopher Moore, Computational Complexity, Phase Transitions, and Message-Passing for Community Detection

Computational complexity and phase transitions:

Mezard and Montanari, Information, Physics and Computation

Moore and Mertens, The Nature of Computation (esp. Chapter 14) 

The block model and community detection:

Christopher Moore, The Computer Science and Physics of Community Detection: Landscapes, Phase Transitions, and Hardness

Emmanuel Abbe, Community detection and stochastic block models: recent developments

The nonbacktracking matrix:

Florent Krzalaka et al., Spectral redemption in clustering sparse networks 

The original paper on phase transitions in community detection:

Aurélian Decelle, Florent Krzakala, Christopher Moore, and Lenka Zdeborová, Asymptotic analysis of the stochastic block model for modular networks and its algorithmic applications

David Reichman (Columbia)

David R. Reichman and Patrick Charbonneau, Mode-Coupling Theory

Francesco Zamponi (ENS/CNRS)

Tutorial on Convexity of Free Energy