Roster of Participants
Photo & Contact Information | Research Interests |
Debanjan Chowdhury |
I am interested in different aspects of interactions, topology, and disorder in electronic quantum matter. I am usually inspired by experimental puzzles that highlight evidence of non-Fermi liquid transport, unconventional superconductivity beyond a weak-coupling limit, and quantum criticality that does not fit into the Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson paradigm. Theorist Institution: Cornell University Website |
Sean Hartnoll |
I am interested in unconventional transport and potential bounds on the rate of quantum dissipation. Theorist Institution: University of Cambridge Website |
Minhyea Lee |
Our group investigates quantum magnetism through studies of thermal and electrical transport, magnetometry, and various measurements of thermodynamic and spectroscopic properties across a range of quantum materials. Experimentalist Institution: University of Colorado at Boulder Website |
Andrew Lucas |
Theoretical and mathematical many-body physics, at the interfaces between condensed matter, high energy theory, quantum information, hydrodynamics and statistical physics. Theorist Institution: University of Colorado at Boulder Website |
Leo Radzihovsky |
My theoretical research interests span a broad spectrum of classical and quantum condensed matter. These range from entropy-dominated liquid crystals, colloids, membranes, rubber and other “soft” matter to quantum matter, such as superconductors, magnets, degenerate atomic gases, quantum Hall and other topological states of matter, most recently fractons and their interplay of elasticity duals. I aim to understand the nature of phases and phase transitions exhibited by these systems, with the unifying theme of collective universal behavior that emerges at long scales and low energies, driven by a combination of strong interactions, fluctuations, and/or local heterogeneity. Theorist Institution: University of Colorado at Boulder Website |
Photo & Contact Information | Research Interests |
Peter Armitage |
I am an experimentalist who is interested in quantum states of matter including magnets, superconductors, and topological materials. I exploit and develop techniques using low frequency microwave and THz range radiation that probe these systems at their natural frequency scales. The material systems of interest often require new measurement techniques as their relevant frequencies typically fall between the range of usual optical and electronic methods. Experimentalist Institution: Johns Hopkins University Website |
Luca Delacretaz |
I am a theorist studying collective and emergent phenomena in condensed matter physics through the lens of quantum field theory. My research focuses on constructing and using effective field theories to describe compressible phases, thermalization, and out-of-equilibrium dynamics. I also work on developing non-perturbative methods, including anomalies, sum rules, and other techniques that connect UV to IR, linking microscopic details to emergent dynamics at large scales. Theorist Institution: University of Chicago Website |
Philip Kim |
My research focuses on the mesoscopic investigation of transport phenomena, particularly, electric, thermal and thermoelectrical properties of low dimensional nanoscale materials. Experimentalist Institution: Harvard University Website |
Steven Kivelson |
Basic studies of theoretical condensed matter physics - largely concerning what used to be called “solid state physics.” Theorist Institution: Stanford University Website |
Leonid Levitov |
Theory of magnetism and superconductivity in quantum materials Theorist Institution: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Website |
Allan MacDonald |
I am interested in the electronic properties of solids, especially in understanding and predicting new phenomena. Theorist Institution: University of Texas, Austin Website |
Andrew Mackenzie |
Low temperature experimental physics of materials, with particular interest in non-local transport in solids and unconventional superconductivity. Experimentalist Institution: Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids Website |
Dmitrii Maslov |
Transport in correlated electron systems, spin-orbit interaction, Fermi-liquid theory Theorist Institution: University of Florida Website |
Margaret Murnane |
Our group is developing new probes of quantum matter using coherent X-ray beams. More than 60 years after the demonstration of the visible laser, it is finally possible to generate laser-like beams spanning the deep-UV, extreme ultraviolet (EUV) and soft X-ray regions of the spectrum by harnessing high harmonic upconversion of femtosecond lasers. Moreover, by combining phase matching techniques and selection rules, we can achieve exquisite “quantum” control over x-ray light. It is now possible to produce short wavelength waveforms with controlled spectral and temporal shapes, polarization state, and phase structure. Experimentalist Institution: University of Colorado at Boulder / JILA Website |
Frank Pollmann |
My research focuses on a variety of problems in the field of condensed matter theory. My main focus lies on the study of collective phenomena which arise due to quantum mechanical effects in systems of correlated particles. Areas of research include the study of topological phases of matter, many-body systems out of equilibrium, and the development of tensor-network based methods. Theorist Institution: Technical University of Munich Website |
Subir Sachdev |
I study the quantum phases of strongly interacting matter. Recent interests include the quantum phase transitions of metals in the presence of disorder, and the role of spin liquid-type correlations in metallic and superconducting phases, including those found in the cuprates. Theorist Institution: Harvard University Website |
Lucile Savary |
I am a condensed matter theorist interested in quantum materials and more generally in strongly correlated physics. Theorist Institution: CNRS, FACTS Website |
Jie Shan |
I am interested in electronic and optical properties of nanoscale materials, particularly, correlated and topological phenomena in 2D materials and heterostructures. Experimentalist Institution: Cornell University Website |