Roster of Participants


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Utkarsh Agrawal

I am a theorist. I’m working on non-equilibrium dynamics, transport and quantum criticality in low-dimensional quantum systems.

Institution: University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Advisor: Romain Vasseur

Shah Saad Alam

I am a theorist intersted in 1D Spinor Quantum Gases, with an emphasis on Strong Interaction limits, Universal Relations and Integrable Systems


Institution: Rice University
Advisor: Han Pu

Jackson Ang'ong'a

I am an experimentalist interested in studying strong interactions in synthetic Rydberg lattices with atoms in tweezer arrays.

Institution: University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Advisor: Bryce Gadway

Ron Belyansky

I am a theorist interested in many-body dynamics in AMO systems, quantum optics, open quantum systems.

Institution: University of Maryland
Advisor: Alexey Gorshkov

Abel Beregi

I am an experimentalist interested in out-of-equilibrium physics of two-dimensional Bose-gases.

Institution: University of Oxford
Advisor: Christopher Foot

Eliot Bohr

I am an experimentalist interested in ultra stable clock laser system for studies of superradiant clock on a kHz wide transition


Institution: University of Copenhagen Niels Bohr Institute
Advisor: Jan W. Thomsen

Marlon Brenes

I am a theorist interested in quantum thermodynamics, non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, quantum many-body physics. 

Institution: Trinity College Dublin
Advisor: John Goold

Charles Brown

I am an experimentalist. My research interests lie in the many-body quantum physics of ultracold gases trapped in a frustrated optical lattice.


Institution: University of California, Berkeley
Advisor: Dan Stamper-Kurn

Kieran Bull

I am a theorist. I’m interested how and if many-bodied interacting systems thermalize – this includes topics such as many-body quantum scars, many-body localization and quantum-information techniques such as tensor networks.

Institution: University of Leeds
Advisor: Zlatko Papic

Yu-An Chen

I am a theorist. My research focused on bosonization and construction of SPT phases and I am exploring quantum information.


Institution: California Institute of Technology
Advisor: Anton Kapustin

Eli Chertkov

I am a theorist. I work on developing computational tools to study quantum systems in new ways, such as inverse methods for designing Hamiltonians with particular eigenstates and symmetries or new methods for finding local integrals of motion in many-body localized systems.

Institution: University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Advisor: Bryan Clark

Elvia Colella

I am a theorist interested in cavity set-ups photons can indirectly induce correlations and long-range two- body interactions, favouring the emergence of self-organized structures. Many intriguing many-body collective phenomena such spontaneous crystallization, supersolidity and superfluidity can be realized in such set-ups. My research focuses on the study of the many-body phases emerging from the non-linear coupling between quantum Fermi gases and photons in different cavity geometries.


Institution: Innsbruck University
Advisor: Helmut Ritsch
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Isabel Creed

I am a theorist interested in examining many-body localisation in Fock space.

Institution: Oxford University
Advisor: David Logan

Ceren Dag

I am a theorist. I study quantum many-body systems out-of-equilibrium with a focus on cold atom gases, e.g. quantum thermalization, quantum chaos, information scrambling, and dynamical phase transitions with symmetry broken and/or topologically ordered phases.


Institution: University of Michigan
Advisor: Luming Duan & Kai Sun

Anna Dawid-Lekowska

I am a theorist interested. My research interests include quantum simulations (especially with ultracold molecules) and interpretable machine learning.


Institution: University of Warsaw
Advisor: Prof. Maciej Lewenstein (ICFO, Spain) and Dr. Michał Tomza (University of Warsaw, Poland)

Arinjoy De

I am an experimentalist. Trapped-ion quantum simulation and quantum computing.


Institution: University of Maryland, College Park
Advisor: Christopher Monroe

Giulia De Rosi

I am a theorist interested in quantum liquids and polarons in low-dimensional Bose-Bose mixtures, analytical and Monte Carlo methods


Institution: UPC – Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Advisor: Jordi Boronat

Tharindu W. Fernando

I am using theoretical techniques to explore topological and geometric effects in material excited states and non-Hermitian systems.

Institution: University of Washington
Advisor: Ting Cao
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Fabian Finger

I am an experimentalist. My areas of physics interest are comprised of quantum many-body physics, cavity QED and nonequilibrium dynamics.

Institution: Institute for Quantum Electronics, ETH Zurich
Advisor: Tilman Esslinger
Matthew Frye

I am a theorist. My background is in sophisticated calculations of cold and ultracold 2-body physics, both scattering and bound states, which I am now interested in extending and applying to many-body physics, including quantum information and quantum simulation.


Institution: Durham University
Advisor: Jeremy M. Hutson

Sayed Ali Akbar Ghorashi

I am a theorist. I am broadly interested in the role of topology, disorder and interaction in physical systems.

Institution: William & Mary
Advisor: Enrico Rossi

Tomohiro Hashizume

I am a theorist and computational physicist, who is interested in spin chains on exotic geometry and Tensor Product State Algorithms.

Institution: University of Strathclyde
Advisor: Andrew Daley

Kasra Hejazi

I am a theorist, interested in many body physics, quantum information and quantum computing.

Institution: University of California, Santa Barbara
Advisor: Leon Balents

Michael Highman

I am an experimentalist interested in ultracold molecules, quantum computation, and quantum information.

Institution: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Advisor: Bryce Gadway, Brian DeMarco

Raphael Holzinger

I am a theorist interested in theoretical quantum optics.

Institution: Institute for Theoretical Physics, Innsbruck, Austria
Advisor: Helmut Ritsch

Ana Hudomal

I am a theorist. My research interests include artificial gauge fields in optical lattices, higher-order topological insulators, and quantum many-body scars.


Institution: University of Leeds

Eduardo Ibarra Garcia Padilla

I am a theorist interested in SU(N) Fermi Hubbard Model, Numerical Methods, and Synthetic Dimensions with Molecules and Rydbergs.


Institution: Rice University
Advisor: Kaden Hazzard

Romaric Journet

I am an experimentalist. We will investigate the far from equilibrium dynamic of a quantum gas of strontium in a 2D lattice.


Institution: Laboratoire Charles Fabry
Advisor: Marc Cheneau

Anant Kale
I am an experimentalist. I’m interested in quantum simulation using AMO systems to study emergent behavior and push the boundaries of our theoretical understanding. For my PhD, I’m focusing on the Fermi-Hubbard model.
PhD advisor and institution: Markus Greiner, Harvard

Institution: California Institute of Technology
Advisor: Manuel Endres

Thomas Kiely

I am a theorist. My interests include transport, exotic phases of matter, and out-of-equilibrium dynamics in cold atom systems.

Institution: Cornell University
Advisor: Erich Mueller

Francisco Machado

I am a theorist. I’m interested in the dynamics of quantum systems with particular focus on emergent hydrodynamics, novel phases of matter and thermalization properties.


Institution: University of California, Berkeley
Advisor: Norman Yao

Carla Mariela

I am a theorist interested in open quantum systems, and quantum optimization algorithms involving noise-tolerant quantum annealers, hybrid quantum-classical machine learning models, and quantum gate based approaches such as the variational quantum eigensolver.

Institution: Colorado School of Mines
Advisor: Eliot Kapit

Manuel Munoz-Arias

I am a theorist interested in the applications quantum measurement and feedback control. I focus on their potential as a platform for quantum simulation of complex dynamics of quantum systems, and the possibilities of implementing these simulations on atomic-based architectures. 

Institution: University of New Mexico
Advisor: Ivan Deutsch

Hong Nhung Nguyen

I am an experimentalist. I am interested in analog and digital quantum simulation with trapped ions.


Institution: University of Maryland, College Park
Advisor: Norbert Linke

Eulàlia Nicolau

I am a theorist interested in the study of ultracold atoms in optical lattices as quantum simulators of condensed matter systems exhibiting topological properties and the design of atomtronic devices and quantum sensing applications with ultracold atoms.


Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Advisor: Verònica Ahufinger and Jordi Mompart

Philip Osterholz

I am an experimentalist. I am interested in cold atoms trapped in optical tweezers and interactions mediated using Rydberg dressing to study quantum magnets.

Institution: University of Tübingen
Advisor: Christian Groß

Daniel Paz

I am a theorist. I am interested in all things quantum mechanics, with a focus on non-equilibrium many-body quantum physics, particularly its intersection with both integrability and quantum information.

Institution: Michigan State University
Advisor: Mohammad Maghrebi

Valerio Peri
I am a theorist. I am interested in the experimental realization of topological matter both in real materials and simulating platforms.

Institution: ETH Zurich
Advisor: Sebastian D. Huber

Lukas Rammelmüller

I am a theorist with a broad interest in the fields of ultracold atoms, strongly-correlated systems, condensed-matter physics and lattice gauge theories. I primarily study these systems with numerical methods, mainly quantum Monte Carlo approaches.

Institution: LMU Munich
Advisor: Lode Pollet

Boaz Raz

I am an experimentalist. My lab is performing an experiment in an ultracold quantum degenerate mixture of bosons and fermions in search of mediated interactions.

Institution: Weizmann Institute of Science
Advisor: Nir Davidson and Roee Ozeri

Alexander Schuckert

I am a theorist interested in finding new protocols to probing thermalization dynamics in cold atom and solid state quantum simulators. I also seek to describe those experiments with nonequilibrium quantum field theory techniques.

Institution: Technical University of Munich
Advisor: Michael Knap

Vaibhav Sharma

I am a theorist. My interests include studying non-equilibrium dynamics and novel phases of matter in cold atom systems.

Institution: Cornell University
Advisor: Erich Mueller

Grace Sommers

I am a theorist interested in the critical phenomena of many-body systems, both quantum, including measurement-induced entanglement transitions in quantum circuits, and classical, including entropically driven phase transitions and glassy dynamics.

Institution: Princeton University
Advisor: David Huse

Varsha Subramanyan

I am a theorist interested in quantum Hall Systems, Topological phases, Bulk-Edge correspondence


Institution: University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Advisor: Smitha Vishveshwara

Canon Sun

I am a theorist interested in topological superconductivity and Weyl semimetals.


Institution: Johns Hopkins University
Advisor: Yi Li

Federica Maria Surace

I am a theorist. I am interested in non-equilibrium many-body physics, and in the quantum simulation of constrained models and lattice gauge theories.

Institution: SISSA
Advisor: Marcello Dalmonte

Joseph Szabo

I am a theorist interested in understanding how exotic phenomena in correlated materials can be extracted through novel nonequilibrium probes and applied to quantum sensing and information technologies.


Institution: Ohio State University
Advisor: Nandini Trivedi

Jugal Talukdar

I am an AMO Theorist. I study photonic systems and quantum magnets in few-body and many-body regimes.

Institution: University of Oklahoma, Norman
Advisor: Doerte Blume
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Junheng Tao

 I am an experimentalist, currently setting up a BEC machine suitable for quantum simulation in 2D. My interest now lies in out-of-equilibrium quantum phenomena in those from hydrodynamics to analog cosmology.

Institution: University of Maryland, College Park
Advisor: Ian Spielman

Tsz-Chun Tsui

I am an experimentalist working on setting up an apparatus for studying two-species Rydberg atoms in optical tweezers.

Institution: University of Maryland, College Park
Advisor: Steven Rolston and Trey Porto
Xhek Turkeshi

I am a theorist intersted in entanglement in topological and strongly interacting systems; entanglement dynamics in hybrid unitary-measurement evolution; disordered phases of matter.


Institution: SISSA
Advisor: Marcello Dalmonte

Agnes Valenti

I am a theorist. My research interest lies in the intersection between condensed matter and machine learning, in particular in relation to ground state problems as well as tuning and validation of experiments.


Institution: ETH Zurich
Advisor: Sebastian Huber

Alex Vargas

I am a theoreist. I aspire to learn more about the behavior of subatomic particles at ultra-low temperatures to explain the phenomena of superconductivity, phase transitions and magnetization.

Institution: Jan Jose State University
Advisor: Ehsan Khatami

Botao Wang

I am a theorist. I am interested in investigating quantum dynamics from temporarily changing artificial gauge fields, which can be employed to realize quantized charge pumping in Chern insulators, and may open up new possibilities for optimizing adiabatic state preparation.


Institution: Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems
Advisor: André Eckardt and Roland Ketzmerick

Hanteng Wang

I am a theorist interested in Theoretical condensed matter physics, including disordered systems and strong correlated many-body systems


Institution: University of Minnesota
Advisor: Alex Kamenev

Haotian Wei

I am a theorist interested in strongly correlated systems of both quantum materials and cold atoms, including frustrated magnets and topological phases of matter.


Institution: Fudan University
Advisor: Kaden Hazzard
Storm Weiner

I am an experimentalist. I’m interested in designing and building atom interferometers as tools for domains beyond atomic physics.


Institution: University of California, Berkeley
Advisor: Holger Mueller

Dariusz Wiater

I am a theorist. I am interested in ultracold systems consisting of interacting atoms, ions and molecules.

Institution: University of Warsaw
Advisor: Michał Tomza

Garrett Williams

I am an experimentalist. I am interested in investigating novel states of quantum matter through cold-atom trapping techniques and optical lattice phenomena.


Institution: University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Advisor: Bryce Gadway

Tianrui Xu

I am a theorist. I am interested in non-equilibrium quantum dynamics of correlated fermions in both AMO and solid state systems.

Institution: University of California, Berkeley
Advisor: Joel E. Moore

Youjiang Xu

I am a theorist. I aim for deeper insight into quantum phase translations in AMO physics.

Institution: Rice University
Advisor: Han Pu

Hong Yang

I am a theorist interested in Topological and dynamical phenomena in lattice spinor atoms


Institution: The University of Tokyo
Advisor: Hosho Katsura

Man Hon Yau

. I am a theorist who is interested in cold atom physics.

Institution: Georgia Tech
Advisor: Carlos Sa de Melo

Jeremy Young

I am an theorist. My research interests are centered on non-equilibrium behavior in open quantum systems as well as long-range interactions.


Institution: JILA, University of Colorado, and NIST
Advisor: Ana Maria Rey

Yaakov Yudkin

I am an experimentalist. My research interests includes universality and beyond universality in loosely bound few body states and their implications on fundamental few- and many-body physics.


Institution: Bar-Ilan University
Advisor: Lev Khaykovich

Yicheng Zhang

I am a theorist. I am interested in the non-equilibrium dynamics of quantum many-body systems.


Institution: Penn State University
Advisor: Marcos Rigol

Yingyue Zhu

I am an experimentalist. My current research interests include digital quantum simulation, studying and developing physical platforms for quantum computing. For my PhD. I am focusing on trapped ion quantum computing experiments.

Institution: University of Maryland, College Park
Advisor: Norber M. Linke


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Kaden Hazzard

Understanding interacting quantum matter, especially in ultracold systems. New analytic and computational tools. I am a theorist.

Institution: Rice University
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Leo Radzihovsky

Radzihovsky’s theoretical research interests span a broad spectrum of classical and quantum condensed matter. These range from entropy-dominated liquid crystals, colloids, membranes, rubber and other “soft” matter to quantum matter, such as superconductors, magnets, degenerate atomic gases, quantum Hall and other topological states of matter. He aims to understand the nature of phases and phase transitions exhibited by these systems, with the unifying theme of collective universal behavior that emerges at long scales and low energies, driven by a combination of strong interactions, fluctuations, and/or local heterogeneity.

Institution: University of Colorado Boulder
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Ana Maria Rey

Our research interests are in the scientific interface between atomic, molecular and optical physics, condensed matter physics and quantum information science. Specifically, on ways of developing new techniques for controlling quantum systems and then using them in various applications ranging from quantum simulations/information to time and frequency standards. We want to engineer fully controllable quantum systems capable to mimic desired real materials as well as to develop advanced and novel measurement techniques capable of probing atomic quantum systems at the fundamental level. I am a theorist.

Institution: University of Colorado Boulder/JILA Tower
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Ian B. Spielman

I am an experimentalist. My research focus on realizing cold atom systems inspired by and with application to many-body condensed matter systems.


Institution: Joint Quantum Institute, NIST and the University of Maryland
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Monika Aidelsburger

I am an experimentalist. My group is working with ultracold atoms in optical lattices to perform analog quantum simulations of many-body systems in and
out-of-equilibrium. In particular, we are interested in developing new experimental techniques to study topological lattice models and dynamical gauge fields.

Institution: LMU Munich
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Ehud Altman

I am a theorist interested in correlated states and quantum dynamics in atomic and solid state systems. I also explore connections between quantum information, statistical physics and condensed matter physics.

Institution: University of California, Berkeley
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Ana Asenjo-Garcia

My research is at the intersection of quantum optics, atomic physics and open quantum systems. In particular, a significant part of it focuses on emergent phenomena that arises from photon-mediated atomic interactions. I am a theorist.

Institution: Columbia University
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Waseem Bakr

Quantum gas microscopy of ultracold atoms and molecules in optical lattices for studying quantum many-body. I am an experimentalist.

Institution: Princeton University
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Immanuel Bloch

I am an experimentalist. My work focus on quantum simulations with ultracold atoms in optical lattices. In my research team, we explore novel many-body quantum phases, develop new detection methods for quantum many-body systems as well as novel light-matter interfaces for quantum information purposes.

Institution: Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics
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John Bollinger

I am an experimentalist. I am interested in investigations of quantum simulation and sensing with large crystals of trapped-ions that are confined and controlled in Penning traps.


Institution: NIST Boulder
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Antoine Browaeys

I am an experimentalist. Our group studies many-body physics using ensemble of cold atoms where we control the interactions between them. These synthetic quantum systems allow us to explore open questions in quantum magnetism, the interplay between topology and interactions and quantum optics problems where the interacting atoms form a non-linear medium.

Institution: Institut d'Optique, CNRS
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Nigel Cooper

Topological phases of matter and their realizations in both solid state and cold atom systems. I am a theorist.

Institution: University of Cambridge
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Eric Cornell

Ultra-cold atoms, Bose-Einstein Condensation; Precision metrology in service to fundamental physics. I am an experimentalist.

Institution: JILA, University of Colorado, and NIST
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Sebastian Diehl

My research interest is in quantum systems driven out if equilibrium in platforms from ultracold atoms to solid state, topology, strong correlations, and quantum field theory approaches to these problems. I am a theorist.

Institution: University of Cologne
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Tilman Esslinger

I am an experimentalist. In our research we use ultracold atoms to synthetically create and study key models of quantum many-body physics.

Institution: ETH Zurich
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Thierry Giamarchi

I am a theorist, working at the intersection between condensed matter and cold atomic gases. I have a special interest on low dimensional interacting quantum systems, as well as the combined effects of disorder and interactions in classical and quantum systems.

Institution: University of Geneva
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Alexey Gorshkov

Gorshkov group is a theoretical research group working at the interface of quantum optics, atomic and molecular physics, condensed matter physics, and quantum information science. I am a theorist.

Institution: JQI and QuICS, NIST/University of Maryland
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Randy Hulet

My research uses ultracold atomic gases to explore interesting many-body states of matter of atomic bosons and fermions. Recent experiments have focused on one-dimensional quantum wires and atoms in optical lattices. I am an experimentalist.

Institution: Rice University
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David Huse

Statistical physics of many sorts. I am a theorist.

Institution: Princeton University
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Adam M Kaufman

I am an experimentalist. We use optical microscopy techniques to control and detect many-body quantum systems of neutral alkaline-earth atoms. These atoms host a range of transitions that are key to studies in metrology, quantum information, and quantum simulation, which we pursue in my group.

Institution: JILA/CU/NIST
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Konrad Lehnert

Quantum control of acoustical systems. Quantum transduction between electrical and optical domains. Analog quantum integrated circuits. I am an experimentalist.

Institution: University of Colorado Boulder
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Christopher Monroe

I am an experimentalist in the areas of quantum information systems, quantum computing, quantum communication, atomic, molecular, and optical physics, and quantum optics. My laboratory controls individual trapped atomic ions for a variety of uses in quantum information and quantum physics.

Institution: University of Maryland
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Kang-Kuen Ni

I am an experimentalist. I pursue new approaches to create and gain quantum control of ultracold molecules for studies of chemical reactions, quantum information processing, and quantum many-body physics. 

Institution: Harvard University
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Meera Parish

I am a theorist. My research is broadly focussed on the theory of strongly correlated phenomena in ultracold atomic gases and electron systems. In particular, I am interested in superconductivity and superfluidity, low-dimensional systems, and magnetotransport.

Institution: Monash University
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James K. Thompson

I am an experimentalist. We perform experiments on laser-cooled strontium and rubidium atoms in optical cavities for creating highly entangled states, ultra stable superradiant lasers, and interacting quantum many-body systems. 

Institution: JILA, University of Colorado
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