Boulder School 2004: Roster

Name & Institution

Research Interest

Photo & Contact Information

Dmitry Albanin


My area of interest is mesoscopic physics. I am a theorist.

Jason Alicea

University of California

I am theorist interested in mesoscopic physics, low-dimensional systems, and phase transitions.

Mauro Antezza

University of Trento, Italy

I am a theorist and my physics interests are mainly in:
Quantum Field Theory, Statistical Mechanics and
Bose-Einstein Condensation.

Leslie Baksmaty

University of Rochester

Vortex lattices in trapped Bose-Einstein condensates. I am a Theorist.

Roman Barankov


Cold atoms, strongly interacting systems, nonequilibrium collective behavior.

Ryan Barnett

Harvard University

I am a theorist. My interest is: Theoretical condensed matter physics.

Evgueni Bourovski

Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst

Strongly correlated systems, Monte Carlo techniques. I am a Theorist .

Juntao Chang

Texas A&M University

Currently I am a theorist and my research interest is in Quantum Optics and Quantum Information.

Ming-Shien Chang

Georgia Institute of Technology

My current research interests are all-optical BEC techniques and the dynamics of Rb-87 spinor BEC in the optical trap. I am an experimentalist.

Yong Chen

National High Magnetic Field Lab

I am an experimentalist studying the physics of two dimensional electron systems, mostly the collective excitations in Wigner solid phases and quantum Hall effects using microwave spectroscopy.

Lillian Childress

Harvard University

Solid state implementations for quantum optics. I am an Experimentalist.

Stephen Choi

University of Rochester

My interest is theoretical studies on Bose-Einstein condensation and related phenomena.

Hui Deng

Stanford University

Quantum statistics of degenerate semiconductor exciton-polaritons. I am an Experimentalist.

Ivailo Dimov


I am interested in phase transitions leading to topological order, as well as the various dualities that link different regions of the resulting phase diagrams. I am a Theorist.

Igor Dotsenko

Institute for Applied Physics

My area of physics interest is the following: quantum optics, laser cooling and trapping of neutral atoms, ultra cold atoms in optical lattices, quantum information processing with trapped atoms. I am an experimentalist.

Artem Dudarev

The Univ. of Texas, Austin

Dynamics of ultracold atoms in optical potentials.

Rembert Duine

The Univ. of Texas, Austin

Utracold atomic gases, transport theory and magnetism of diluted magnetic semiconductors, quantum Hall bilayer systems.

Matthew Eardley

SUNY, Stony Brook

I am interested in polychromatic forces on atoms, Rydberg atoms optics, and nanolithography with neutral atoms, all using metastable helium.

Marcius Extavour

University of Toronto

Degenerate Fermi gases; Bose-Einstein condendates; boson-fermion mixtures in neutral atoms. I am an Experimentalist.

John Fjaerestad


I am a condensed matter theorist whose main interests are strongly correlated and disordered quantum many-body systems.

Simon Foelling

University of Mainz

Bose-Einstein-Condensates in optical lattices

Victor Galitski

University of Maryland

Superconductivity, quantum phase transitions,
frustrated magnets, decoherence in mesoscopic systems.

Parag Ghosh

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Dynamics of Mott insulator - Superfluid
transition in Optical Lattices.

Jonathon Gillen

Harvard University

I am an experimentalist interested in Atom Optics.

Eran Ginossar

Weizmann Institute of Science

Coherent effects of interaction of Non-Classical Radiation with Mesoscopic Structures.

Steven Girvin

Yale University

Quantum mechanics of electrical circuits, cavity QED, superconducting qubits, strongly correlated electronic and cold-atom systems.

I don’t normally wear a tie, but this is the only photo I had…

Sebastien Gleyzes

Ecole Normale Superieure

I’m an experimentalist, I work in atomic physics, I do cavity quantum electrodynamic experiments with Rydberg atoms coupled to a microwave resonator.

M. Greiner

University of Colorado


My main research interest is to experimentally realize highly controllable macroscopic many-body quantum systems based on trapped ultracold atoms. Optical lattices, fermionic atoms, and the BCS-BEC crossover.

Eytan Grosfeld

Weizmann Institute of Science

I’m a theorist, and my areas of interest in physics include: Non-abelian fractional quantum hall states,Hofstadter problem, rotating BEC’s.

Mohammad Hafezi

Harvard University

Quantum optics and more specifically investigating collective behavior of particles in cavity.

Andrew Ho

University of Birmingham

My interest: low dimensional strongly correlated electronic and cold atomtraps systems, Kondo physics.

Sebastian Huber

ETH Zurich

Response function for the Bose Hubbard model in the Mott insulator phase.

Adilet Imambekov

Harvard University

I’m a theorist. The area of my research interests is multi-component BECs, effects of strong correlations in atomic optics(optical lattices, etc.).

Markku Jaaskelainen

University of Arizona

Ultracold atoms, interferometry. I am a Theorist.

Michael Jack

Rice University

I am a theorist interested quantum many-body phenomena in quantum degenerate gases.

Nadav Katz

Weizmann Institute of Science

BEC and its excitations, atom optics in ordered and quasiperiodic systems, classical and quantum chaos, decoherence and dephasing of many-body Bosonic systems, quantum phase transitions. I am an Experimentalist.

Jonathan Keeling

Cambridge University

Condensation of excitons and microcavity polaritons; in particular BCS/BEC crossover in a model of microcavity polaritons. I am a theorist.

George Khoury

Univ. of California, Santa Barbara

I study entangled states of many photons produced by parametric downconversion. I am an experimentalist.

Corinna Kollath

LMU Munich

Time-dependent phenomena of 1D strongly interacting systems; theory.

Sabrina Leslie

Univ. of California, Berkeley

My research interests include cavity quantum electrodynamics, Bose Einstein condensation and quantum computation. I am a theorist in the
Whaley group at UC Berkeley

Francesca Maria Marchetti

University of Cambridge

I am a theorist and my research interests include mesoscopic superconductivity, field theoretical formulation of mesoscopics (e.g. non-linear sigma model), spectral correlations of disordered and chaotic systems, and recently condensation of microcavity polaritons.

Dominic Meiser

University of Arizona

I am a Theorist interested in the theory of ultracold fermions.


Alexandru Nicolin

Niels Bohr Institute

I mainly deal with nonlinear dynamics of Bose-condensed gases like, e.g., period-doubled states and pattern-forming instabilities. I am a theorist.

Arun Paramekanti

Kavli Inst. for Theoretical Physics

My research interests lie in disordered and correlated quantum systems. I am a Theorist.

Paolo Pedri

University of Hannover

Theory of cold atoms and macroscopic phenomena.

Stephen Powell

Yale University

Theoretical condensed matter, particularly quantum phase transitions and correlated electrons.

Jasper Reijinders

Univ. of Amsterdam

I am a theorist, interested in (strongly correlated) physics of rotating ultra cold gases.

Eitan Rowen

Weizmann Institute of Science

Interested in BEC in optical lattices, especially the superfluid - Mott insulater phase transition
I am an Experimentalist.

Lorraine Sadler

Univ. of California, Berkeley

I am interested in the experimental studies spinor Bose Einstein Condensates focusing on in-situ imaging and rotational dynamics of the
quantum gas.

David Schuster

Yale University

Investigating a Cooper Pair box in a one-dimensional superconducting transmission line to study cavity QED and quantum coherence and computation. I am an Experimentalist.

Signe Seidelin

Institut d’optique

Bose-Einstein condensation of metastable helium. I am experimentalist.

Prashant Sharma

Cornell University

Strongly correlated systems and mesoscopics. I am a Theorist.

Daniel Sheehy

University of Colorado

High-temperature superconductivity, superfluidity in Bose gases and vortices in all of the above.
I am a Theorist.

Moshe Shuker

Technion, Israel

I am an experimentalist. Quantum coherence in EIT medium.

Marzena Szymanska

University of Cambridge

Exciton and polariton coherence and BEC in semiconductors, decoherence and disorder, atomic Fermi gases. I am a Theorist.

Matthias Taglieber

Ludwig-Maximillians Univ., Munich

I am an experimentalist. My research interest is: “Study of ultracold Fermi gases and Bose-Fermi mixtures.”

Leticia Tarruell

Ecole Normale Superiure

I’m an experimentalist, interested on the experimental study of ultracold Fermi gases with tunable interactions.

Cesare Tozzo

University of Trento, Italy

I’m a theorist who study Bose Einstein condensation at T=0 through Gross Pitaevskii equation. Till now, I’ve studied the spectrum and the dynamic of the excitations which carry momentum in different systems (uniform,
trapped and with optical lattices).

Mukund Vengalattore


Atom-light interactions in ultracold anisotropic media and lower dimensional systems.

Jose Carlos Viana-Gomes

Universite de Paris - Sud XI

Atom Optics - Coherence with cold atoms. I am an Experimentalist.

Tun Wang

University of Connecticut

Coherent Control in BEC, Quantum Information

Congiun Wu

Stanford University

I am intersted strongly correlated systems, cold atomic systems, high Tc etc. I am a theorist.

Xiangiun Xing

University of Illinois

What is random solid? I am a Theorist.

Dongqing Zhang

Ohio State University

BEC with Feshbach Resonance, quantum optics.
I am a theorist.