Name & Institution |
Research Interest |
Photo & Contact Information |
Dmitry Albanin MIT |
My area of interest is mesoscopic physics. I am a theorist. |
Jason Alicea University of California |
I am theorist interested in mesoscopic physics, low-dimensional systems, and phase transitions. |
Mauro Antezza University of Trento, Italy |
I am a theorist and my physics interests are mainly in: |
Leslie Baksmaty University of Rochester |
Vortex lattices in trapped Bose-Einstein condensates. I am a Theorist. |
Roman Barankov MIT |
Cold atoms, strongly interacting systems, nonequilibrium collective behavior. |
Ryan Barnett Harvard University |
I am a theorist. My interest is: Theoretical condensed matter physics. |
Evgueni Bourovski Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst |
Strongly correlated systems, Monte Carlo techniques. I am a Theorist . |
Juntao Chang Texas A&M University |
Currently I am a theorist and my research interest is in Quantum Optics and Quantum Information. |
Ming-Shien Chang Georgia Institute of Technology |
My current research interests are all-optical BEC techniques and the dynamics of Rb-87 spinor BEC in the optical trap. I am an experimentalist. |
Yong Chen National High Magnetic Field Lab |
I am an experimentalist studying the physics of two dimensional electron systems, mostly the collective excitations in Wigner solid phases and quantum Hall effects using microwave spectroscopy. | |
Lillian Childress Harvard University |
Solid state implementations for quantum optics. I am an Experimentalist. |
Stephen Choi University of Rochester |
My interest is theoretical studies on Bose-Einstein condensation and related phenomena. |
Hui Deng Stanford University |
Quantum statistics of degenerate semiconductor exciton-polaritons. I am an Experimentalist. |
Ivailo Dimov UCLA |
I am interested in phase transitions leading to topological order, as well as the various dualities that link different regions of the resulting phase diagrams. I am a Theorist. |
Igor Dotsenko Institute for Applied Physics |
My area of physics interest is the following: quantum optics, laser cooling and trapping of neutral atoms, ultra cold atoms in optical lattices, quantum information processing with trapped atoms. I am an experimentalist. |
Artem Dudarev The Univ. of Texas, Austin |
Dynamics of ultracold atoms in optical potentials. |
Rembert Duine The Univ. of Texas, Austin |
Utracold atomic gases, transport theory and magnetism of diluted magnetic semiconductors, quantum Hall bilayer systems. |
Matthew Eardley SUNY, Stony Brook |
I am interested in polychromatic forces on atoms, Rydberg atoms optics, and nanolithography with neutral atoms, all using metastable helium. |
Marcius Extavour University of Toronto |
Degenerate Fermi gases; Bose-Einstein condendates; boson-fermion mixtures in neutral atoms. I am an Experimentalist. |
John Fjaerestad UCLA |
I am a condensed matter theorist whose main interests are strongly correlated and disordered quantum many-body systems. |
Simon Foelling University of Mainz |
Bose-Einstein-Condensates in optical lattices (Experimentalist) |
Victor Galitski University of Maryland |
Superconductivity, quantum phase transitions, frustrated magnets, decoherence in mesoscopic systems. |
Parag Ghosh University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Dynamics of Mott insulator - Superfluid transition in Optical Lattices. |
Jonathon Gillen Harvard University |
I am an experimentalist interested in Atom Optics. |
Eran Ginossar Weizmann Institute of Science |
Coherent effects of interaction of Non-Classical Radiation with Mesoscopic Structures. |
Steven Girvin Yale University |
Quantum mechanics of electrical circuits, cavity QED, superconducting qubits, strongly correlated electronic and cold-atom systems.
I don’t normally wear a tie, but this is the only photo I had… |
Sebastien Gleyzes Ecole Normale Superieure |
I’m an experimentalist, I work in atomic physics, I do cavity quantum electrodynamic experiments with Rydberg atoms coupled to a microwave resonator. |
M. Greiner University of Colorado JILA |
My main research interest is to experimentally realize highly controllable macroscopic many-body quantum systems based on trapped ultracold atoms. Optical lattices, fermionic atoms, and the BCS-BEC crossover. |
Eytan Grosfeld Weizmann Institute of Science |
I’m a theorist, and my areas of interest in physics include: Non-abelian fractional quantum hall states,Hofstadter problem, rotating BEC’s. |
Mohammad Hafezi Harvard University |
Quantum optics and more specifically investigating collective behavior of particles in cavity. |
Andrew Ho University of Birmingham |
My interest: low dimensional strongly correlated electronic and cold atomtraps systems, Kondo physics. |
Sebastian Huber ETH Zurich |
Response function for the Bose Hubbard model in the Mott insulator phase. |
Adilet Imambekov Harvard University |
I’m a theorist. The area of my research interests is multi-component BECs, effects of strong correlations in atomic optics(optical lattices, etc.). |
Markku Jaaskelainen University of Arizona |
Ultracold atoms, interferometry. I am a Theorist. |
Michael Jack Rice University |
I am a theorist interested quantum many-body phenomena in quantum degenerate gases. |
Nadav Katz Weizmann Institute of Science |
BEC and its excitations, atom optics in ordered and quasiperiodic systems, classical and quantum chaos, decoherence and dephasing of many-body Bosonic systems, quantum phase transitions. I am an Experimentalist. |
Jonathan Keeling Cambridge University |
Condensation of excitons and microcavity polaritons; in particular BCS/BEC crossover in a model of microcavity polaritons. I am a theorist. |
George Khoury Univ. of California, Santa Barbara |
I study entangled states of many photons produced by parametric downconversion. I am an experimentalist. |
Corinna Kollath LMU Munich |
Time-dependent phenomena of 1D strongly interacting systems; theory. |
Sabrina Leslie Univ. of California, Berkeley |
My research interests include cavity quantum electrodynamics, Bose Einstein condensation and quantum computation. I am a theorist in the Whaley group at UC Berkeley |
Francesca Maria Marchetti University of Cambridge |
I am a theorist and my research interests include mesoscopic superconductivity, field theoretical formulation of mesoscopics (e.g. non-linear sigma model), spectral correlations of disordered and chaotic systems, and recently condensation of microcavity polaritons. |
Dominic Meiser University of Arizona |
I am a Theorist interested in the theory of ultracold fermions. |
Alexandru Nicolin Niels Bohr Institute |
I mainly deal with nonlinear dynamics of Bose-condensed gases like, e.g., period-doubled states and pattern-forming instabilities. I am a theorist. |
Arun Paramekanti Kavli Inst. for Theoretical Physics |
My research interests lie in disordered and correlated quantum systems. I am a Theorist. |
Paolo Pedri University of Hannover |
Theory of cold atoms and macroscopic phenomena. |
Stephen Powell Yale University |
Theoretical condensed matter, particularly quantum phase transitions and correlated electrons. |
Jasper Reijinders Univ. of Amsterdam |
I am a theorist, interested in (strongly correlated) physics of rotating ultra cold gases. |
Eitan Rowen Weizmann Institute of Science |
Interested in BEC in optical lattices, especially the superfluid - Mott insulater phase transition I am an Experimentalist. |
Lorraine Sadler Univ. of California, Berkeley |
I am interested in the experimental studies spinor Bose Einstein Condensates focusing on in-situ imaging and rotational dynamics of the quantum gas. |
David Schuster Yale University |
Investigating a Cooper Pair box in a one-dimensional superconducting transmission line to study cavity QED and quantum coherence and computation. I am an Experimentalist. |
Signe Seidelin Institut d’optique |
Bose-Einstein condensation of metastable helium. I am experimentalist. |
Prashant Sharma Cornell University |
Strongly correlated systems and mesoscopics. I am a Theorist. |
Daniel Sheehy University of Colorado |
High-temperature superconductivity, superfluidity in Bose gases and vortices in all of the above. I am a Theorist. |
Moshe Shuker Technion, Israel |
I am an experimentalist. Quantum coherence in EIT medium. |
Marzena Szymanska University of Cambridge |
Exciton and polariton coherence and BEC in semiconductors, decoherence and disorder, atomic Fermi gases. I am a Theorist. |
Matthias Taglieber Ludwig-Maximillians Univ., Munich |
I am an experimentalist. My research interest is: “Study of ultracold Fermi gases and Bose-Fermi mixtures.” |
Leticia Tarruell Ecole Normale Superiure |
I’m an experimentalist, interested on the experimental study of ultracold Fermi gases with tunable interactions. |
Cesare Tozzo University of Trento, Italy |
I’m a theorist who study Bose Einstein condensation at T=0 through Gross Pitaevskii equation. Till now, I’ve studied the spectrum and the dynamic of the excitations which carry momentum in different systems (uniform, trapped and with optical lattices). |
Mukund Vengalattore MIT |
Atom-light interactions in ultracold anisotropic media and lower dimensional systems. |
Jose Carlos Viana-Gomes Universite de Paris - Sud XI |
Atom Optics - Coherence with cold atoms. I am an Experimentalist. |
Tun Wang University of Connecticut |
Coherent Control in BEC, Quantum Information |
Congiun Wu Stanford University |
I am intersted strongly correlated systems, cold atomic systems, high Tc etc. I am a theorist. |
Xiangiun Xing University of Illinois |
What is random solid? I am a Theorist. |
Dongqing Zhang Ohio State University |
BEC with Feshbach Resonance, quantum optics. |