Boulder School 2009: Roster

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Nasrin Afzal

Virginia Polytechnic and State University

Advisor: Michel Pleimling

My research interest is Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics. (Theorist)

afzal [at]

Elena Agliari

University of Parma, Italy

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Davide Cassi

I am interested in classical and quantum transport on discrete structures, reaction-diffusion phenomena and statistical physics models on complex structures (Theorist)

elena.agliari [at]

Prasanna Venkatesh Balasubramanian

McMaster University

Advisor: Dr.Duncan O’Dell

My research interests are in cold atoms, quantum optics and condensed matter physics. (Theorist)

balasupv [at]

Shiladitya Banerjee

Syracuse University

Advisor: M. Cristina Marchetti

Hydrodynamics of “active” biological systems, Nematic Elastomers, Quenched Disordered systems, Polymer Physics. (Theoretical)

sbanerje [at]

Kipton M. Barros

Boston University

Advisor: William Klein

My interests are in statistical physics and the kinetics of phase transitions, with their applications to materials and biological systems. (Theorist)

kbarros [at]

Daniel ben-Avraham, Lecturer

Clarkson University

I am interested in Statistical Physics of non-equilibrium systems, with emphasis on anomalous diffusion and kinetics of diffusion-limited reactions, and applications to complex networks. (Theorist)

qd00 [at]

Federico Benitez

Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de la República

Advisor: Nicolás Wschebor

My research interest is in nonperturbative field theory methods in nonequilibrium statistical mechanics. (Theorist).

federico [at]

Dapeng “Max” Bi

Brandeis University

Advisor: Bulbul Chakraborty

My research interests are: Jamming & Granular materials. Soft Glassy Rheology. (Theorist)

maxb1 [at]

Stas Burov

Bar-Ilan University

Advisor: Prof. Eli Barkai

Statisticsl Mechanics , Stochastic Processes in general and especcially Ergodicty Breaking. (Theorist)

stasbur [at]

Christopher P. Calderon

Rice University

Advisor: Dan Sorensen

My research is centered around methods for estimating stochastic dynamical models from time series. The estimated models are used to understand both thermodynamic and kinetic properties of complex small scale systems (Theorist).

calderon [at]

Ranjit Chacko

Clark University

Advisor: Harvey Gould

I’m interested in the kinetics of phase transitions. (theorist)

rjchacko [at]

Jonas Cremer

Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich

Advisor: Prof. Erwin Frey

I am interested in describing the evolution of hierarchical biological systems, using methods of nonlinear dynamics and stochastic processes. (Theorist)

jonas.cremer [at]

George L. Daquila

Virginia Tech

Advisor: Uwe C. Tauber

I am interested in non equilibrium statistical mechanics, specifically temporal properties of lattice gases. ((Theorist)

gdaquila [at]

JiaJia Dong

Hamline University

Advisors: B. Schmittmann and R.K.P. Zia

I am interest in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, particularly in biological systems. Using computer modeling and theoretical approaches, I try to study the stationary and dynamic properties of these systems. (Theorist)

jdong01 [at]

Sven Dorosz

Virgina Tech

Advisor: Michel Pleimling

I am working on fluctuation relations for non equilibrium steady states. (Theorist)

sdorosz [at]

Prasenjit Dutt

Yale University

Advisor: Karyn Le Hur

I am interested in various aspects of strongly correlated electrons. Currently, I study electronic transport in quantum impurity models out of equilibrium using the real time Keldysh formulation and the scattering state Lippmann-Schwinger formulation. (Theorist)

prasenjit.dutt [at]

Jason K. Ellis

Kent State University

Advisors: Prof. Khandker Quader and Prof. Michael Lee

I am studying emergent phenomenon in a variety of systems including protein oscillations in E. coli and spin-polarized p-wave superfluids. (Theorist) 

jellis2 [at]

Niloufar Faghihi

The University of Western Ontario

Advisors: Dr. Mikko Karttunen and Dr. Nikolas Provatas

Research interest: I am studying how external magnetic fields can change the microstructure in magnetic materials. I use an extension of Phase Field Crystal model for this purpose. (Theorist)

n.faghihi [at]

Greg R. Farrell

University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Advisor: Narayanan Menon

I work on understanding the packing and flow of granular systems in the loose-packing regime were disordered packings are mechanically stable at packing fractions well below those seen in random close packing. (Experimentalist)

grfarrell [at]

Nancy Carolina Forero-Martinez

Queen’s University Belfast

Advisor: Mario Gabriel Del Popolo

I am interested in the statistical mechanics and computer simulation of dense ionic fluids, in order to understand the density driven phase transition between ionic and dipolar states in a reactive fluid. (Theorist)

nforeromartinez02 [at]

Ignacio Franco

Northwestern University

Advisors: George C. Schatz and Mark A. Ratner

Single-molecule pulling experiments. Thermodynamics at the nanoscale. Coherent control and laser-driven dynamic. Decoherence and open quantum system dynamics. Quantum-classical correspondence. (Theorist)

ifranco [at]

Erwin Frey, Lecturer

Ludwig Maximilians University Munich

Biological Physics (Semiflexible Polymers, Intracellular Transport, Gene Regulation, Biofilm Formation, Biochemical Networks) Nonequilibrium Physics (Game Theory, Nonlinear Dynamics, Spatial Stochastic Processes, Non-perturbative Renormalization Group) (Theorist)

frey [at]

Ting Ge

Johns Hopkins University

Advisor: Mark O. Robbins

My research goal is to understand the microscopic origins of the macroscopic behavior of glassy polymer using molecular simulation. One example is investigating the role of entanglement in the formation of crazes based on nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulation (NEMD). (Theorist)

get [at]

Morteza Haeri

Syracuse University

Advisor: Prof. Jeremy Gilbert

Interfacial phenomena of biomaterials/body interfaces (Experimentalist)

sedmorteza [at]

Jordan Horowitz

University of Maryland

Advisor: Christopher Jarzynski

My research focuses on fluctuations in small far- from-equilibrium systems. (Theorist)

horowitz [at]

Chris Jarzynski, Lecturer

University of Maryland

I am interested in many aspects of statistical mechanics and thermodynamics, including the application of statistical mechanics to molecular machines and problems of biophysical interest; efficient computational strategies for estimating thermodynamic properties of complex systems; and basic laws that govern systems far from thermal equilibrium. (Theorist)

cjarzyns [at]

Mark H. Jhon

University of California, Berkeley & Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Advisors: Prof. Daryl C. Chrzan & Prof. Andreas M. Glaeser

My interests lie in the mechanical deformation of composites and microstructural stability. (Theorist)  

mj2k [at]

Alireza Karimi

Virginia Tech

Advisor: Prof. Mark Paul

My research interests are Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos, Pattern Formation and Spatiotemporal Chaos in Fluid Convection and Computational Fluid Dynamics. (Theorist)

karimi [at]

Andrew Kent, Lecturer

New York University

My research interests are in the physics of magnetic nanostructures and nanomagnetic devices. I conduct experimental studies of quantum tunneling of magnetization and coherence in arrays of nanometer scale magnets known as single molecule magnets. I am also studying spin-dependent transport and spin momentum transfer in thin film magnetic nanopillars. (Experimentalist)

adk1 [at]

Ching-Hwa Kiang, Scientific Coordinator & Lecturer

Rice University

I am interested in understanding the interactions of biological molecules and complexes, as well as binding of cells to biomolecules. We use experimental single-molecule techniques to study problems such as protein-nucleic acid interactions, virus assembly, and protein-cell adhesion. (Experimentalist)

chkiang [at]

Ben Klünder

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

Advisor: Erwin Frey

My research focuses on pattern formation in different biological systems. (Theorist)

kluender [at]

Oleg B. Kogan

Michigan State University

Advisor: Mark Dykman

I study large deviations, stochastic processes, and disorder in nonequilibrium systems. (Theorist)

oxk7 [at]

Kirill Korolev

Harvard University

Advisor: David R. Nelson

I am interested in collective behavior and evolution. Currently, I am working on reaction-diffusion systems and their applications in population genetics and microbiology. (Theorist)

kirill.korolev [at]

K. Vijay Kumar

Indian Institute of Science

Advisor: Prof. Sriram Ramaswamy

I am interested in Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics, Soft Condensed Matter and Biological Physics (Driven Colloids, Molecular Motors), Fundamental Problems in Statistical Mechanics (Classical Orbital Diamagnetism) and Mesoscopic Simulation Techniques (Lattice Boltzmann Modelling). (Theorist)

vijayk [at]

Alexandra Landsman

James Madison University

Advisor: Samuel Cohen

My research interests are in far from equilibrium stochastic fluctuations with applications to physics and biology. I am also interested in dynamical systems, and have previously worked on coupled nonlinear oscillators and chaotic synchronization. (Theorist)

landsmanster [at]

Chiu Fan Lee

University of Oxford, UK

Advisor: Neil F. Johnson (now at the University of Miami)

My field of interest is biological physics. In particular, I am studying the phenomenon of protein aggregation and protein amyloid formation crucial to the understanding of many neurodegenerative diseases, such as the Alzheimer’s disease. (Theorist)

c.lee1 [at]

Xuefei Li

Hong Kong Baptist University

Advisor: Leihan Tang

I am interested in biological physics. (Theorist)  

lixuefei.0 [at]

Yung-Ching Liang

University of Southern California

Advisor: Stephan Haas

I am interested in condensed matter theory and nonequilibrium statistical mechanics. (Theorist)

yungchin [at]

Xiong-Jun Liu

Texas A&M Univeristy

Advisor: Prof. Jairo Sinova

I am interested in Spintronics with semiconductors, and the simulation of spintronic effects (e.g. spin Hall effect, anomalous Hall effect, topological states, etc) in cold atoms. (Theorist)

phylx [at]

Mitchell D. Mailman

Brandeis University

Advisor: Bulbul Chakraborty

Theoretic and Simulation Studies of Granular Materials (Theorist)

mitch.mailman [at]

Daniel J. Malinow

University of California, Santa Barbara

Advisor: Phil Pincus

My research interests are focused in soft-condensed matter physics problems which lie at the intersection of statistical physics and geometry. I have been working to understand the equilibrium shapes of polyelectrolytes on oppositely charged curved substrates and colloids of various model geometries. I have also been interested in understanding the electrostatics of charged solutions confined to curved surfaces via a formulation of Debye-Huckel theory. (Theorist)

dmalinow [at]

Cristina Marchetti, Lecturer

Syracuse University

I am interested in the emerging collective behavior of systems that are driven far from equilibrium by internal or external energy sources, large fluctuations, or material disorder. I currently work on active matter (bacterial suspensions, actin cytoskeleton, cells on elastic substrates) and driven disordered systems (vortices in superconductors, charge density waves). (Theorist)

mcm [at]

Gcina Mavimbela

Ohio University

Advisor: Horacio E. Castillo

I am working on glasses and mostly interested in signaures of glassiness in theoretical model. (Theorist)

gmavimbela [at]

Anna Melbinger

Ludwig-Maximilians Universität

Advisor: Erwin Frey

I am interested in non-equilibrium phenomena and the role of fluctuations in biological physics. I am currently working on the evolution of cooperation and on driven transport. (Theorist)

anna.melbinger [at]

David D. Minh

National Institutes of Health

Advisor: Arthur Adib

I am interested developing nonequilibrium work theorems and applying them to statistical estimators of free energies in computer simulations and single-molecule pulling experiments. (Theorist)

daveminh [at]

Majid Mosayebi

ETH Zürich

Advisor: Hans Christian Öttinger

Non-equilibrium thermodynamics of glasses, rheology of glassy systems. (Theorist)

majid.mosayebi [at]

Swagatam Mukhopadhyay

Rutgers University

Advisor: Paul M Goldbart

Systems Biology: I am currently focusing on theoretical and computational models of Epigenetics and Eucaryotic Gene Expression. I am involved with experimental biologists in exploring the mechanism of long-distant communication between enhancer and promoter for gene expression, insulation of such communication with insulator elements, the spread of silencing and hysteresis effects originating from bistability in models of silencing (involved with experiments on yeasts). I am fascinated by the Polycomb silencing mechanism, and histone modifications in general often referred to as the ‘histone code’. My other interests in Systems Biology lies in cellular transport, both in early development and later, and effect of noise in feedbacks. In my previous life, I worked on spatial heterogeneity in glasses and RG theory of elasticity of random solids, amongst other things. (Theorist)

swagatam [at]

Matthias Nyfeler

University of Bern

Advisor: Uwe-Jens Wiese

I am working and interested on the simulation of models of strongly correlated electron systems and frustrated magnets. Currently I am also trying to extend our monte carlo methods to realtime evolution of quantum spin systems. (Theorist)

nyfeler [at]

Dina N. Obeid

Brown University

Advisor: Michael Kosterlitz

I am interested in out of equilibrium phenomena. Along the way I deal with dynamical systems and stochastic differential equations. (Theorist)

dina_obeid [at]

Jayson Paulose

Harvard University

Advisor: David Nelson

Research interests: Applications of statistical mechanics to nanoscale systems. Mechanics and statistical mechanics of curved geometries. (Theorist)

jaysonpaulose [at]

Thierry Platini

Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University

Advisor: Royce Zia

I am working on non-equilibrium dynamics of complex systems. I did my PhD on Non-Equilibrium Quantum Spin Chains and I am studying now on epidemic models described on dynamical and adaptive networks. (Theorist)

platini [at]

Michel Pleimling, Scientific Coordinator & Lecturer

Virginia Tech

In my research I study the properties of nonequilibrium systems, with a special emphasis on transient effects as for example aging processes and relaxation phenomena. (Theorist)

Michel.Pleimling [at]

Dragana Popovic, Lecturer

National High Magnetic Field Laboratory

I am interested in the complex, out-of-equilibrium charge dynamics that emerges in many strongly correlated electronic materials in the vicinity of the transition from an insulating into a conducting state. In particular, my focus is on charge dynamics in two types of materials: two-dimensional systems in semiconductor heterostructures and lightly doped cuprates. The experiments involve transport combined with low-frequency dynamical response measurements. (Experimentalist)

dragana [at]

Leo Radzihovsky, Director

University of Colorado

I am interested in the theory of states of condensed matter and phase transitions between them, particularly in systems where fluctuations and correlations are qualitatively important. (Theorist)

radzihov [at]

Sid Redner, Lecturer

Boston University

My interests are in non-equilibrium statistical physics and stochastic processes, with their applications to networks, first-passage phenomena, and models of biological function and evolution. (Theorist)

redner [at]

Cynthia Reichhardt, Lecturer

Los Alamos National Lab

I use particle-based numerical simulations to study nonequilibrium dynamics of a wide range of systems, including superconducting vortices, colloids, Wigner crystals, DNA, radiation damage, artificial nuclei, and granular media. (Theorist)

cjrx [at]

Per Arne Rikvold, Lecturer

Florida State University

Equilibrium and nonequilibrium statistical mechanics with applications in condensed-matter physics, electrochemistry, biology, and engineering. (Theorist)

prikvold [at]

Mary A. Rohrdanz

The Ohio State University

Advisor: Prof. John Herbert

I am interested in understanding the organizing principles behind seemingly complex collective motions, primarily in biological systems. (Theorist)

mrohrdan [at]

Beate Schmittmann, Scientific Coordinator

Virginia Tech

Statistical physics of non-equilibrium systems, focusing on both fundamental and applied problems. (Theorist)

schmittm [at]

Carl F. Schreck

Yale University

Advisor: Corey O’Hern

My research focuses on the connection between glassy dynamics and jamming in systems of anisotropic particles. (Theorist)

carl.schreck [at]

Udo Seifert, Lecturer

University of Stuttgart

Non-equilibrium statistical mechanics with an emphasis on stochastic thermodynamics (also its experimental realizations) and statistical physics of biological systems (in particular membrane and adhesion processes) (Theorist)

useifert [at]

Christopher A. Serino

Boston University

Advisor: William Klein

My research interest is non-equilibrium statistical mechanics and its application to near mean-field theoretic descriptions of classical phase transitions as well as simple stochastic models of physical, biological, and social systems, and properties of random walks. Currently I am working on descriptions of damage, fatigue, and catastrophic failure in a model for materials under stress. (Theorist)

cserino [at]

Leah Shaw

College of William & Mary


Adaptive networks, biological systems, epidemic spread, population modeling, noise induced escape. (Theorist)

lbshaw [at]

Inti Sodemann

University of South Carolina

Advisor: Yaroslaw Bazaliy

I am interested in several topics of condensed matter physics, specially in spin dependent electronic transport, magnetic ordering and many body strongly correlated systems. (Theorist)

sodemann [at]

Anton Souslov

University of Pennsylvania

Advisor: Tom Lubensky

I am interested in soft elasticity and elastic instabilities. I look at simple elastic models, such as spring lattices, with applications to systems of jammed particles, gels and colloids. (Theorist)

asouslov [at]

Uwe C. Täuber, Scientific Coordinator

Virginia Tech

My research interests reside in theoretical condensed matter physics and statistical mechanics; specifically I work on the characterization of non-equilibrium steady states and phase transitions in driven and reaction-diffusion systems, with applications in solid state physics, magnetism, superconductivity, biochemistry, population dynamics, and ecology. (Theorist)

tauber [at]

Steve Teitel, Lecturer

University of Rochester

I use large scale numerical simulations to study critical behavior in a variety of equilibrium and steady state condensed matter systems, including models of flow in granular materials and vortex fluctuations in high temperature superconductors. (Theorist)

stte [at]

Rakesh P. Tiwari

The Ohio State University

Advisor: Prof. David G Stroud

I am interested in decoherence and open quatum systems. Recently I got interested in transport in mesoscopic systems. (Theorist)

rapat82 [at]

Mauricio Trujillo Martinez

Physikalisches Institut der Universität Bonn

Advisor: Prof. Dr. J. Kroha

Condensed matter physics. Bose-Einstein Condensates, strong-correlated electron systems, non-equilibrium dynamics (Theorist)

mauro [at]

Salomon Turgman

North Carolina State University

Advisors: Jan Genzer and Peter K. Kilpatrick

Polymer physics, phase behavior and separation, polymers under confinement and polymer brushes (Experimentalist)

sturgman [at]

Suriyanarayanan Vaikuntanathan

University of Maryland

Advisor: Christopher Jarzynski

Nonequilibrium work fluctuation theorems: Theory and Simulations. (Theorist)

svaikunt [at]

Martijn van den Broek

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Advisor: Gavin Crooks

I’m interested in fundamental nanoscale, far-from-equilibrium thermodynamics to develop an understanding of the practical limits and operational principle of molecular machines, both biological and artificial. I have a particular interest in applications to solar energy conversion. (Theorist)

vandenbroek.martijn [at]

Ben Vollmayr-Lee, Lecturer

Bucknell University

My general interests are in nonequilibrium statistical mechanics, and more specifically nonequilibrium critical behavior, as demonstrated in reaction-diffusion systems and phase separation dynamics. (Theorist)

bvollmay [at]

Daniel Volovik

Boston University

Advisor: Sid Redner

My research interest are in theoretical non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, especially with applications to climatology and social dynamics. (Theorist)

dvolovik [at]

Mya Warren

University of British Columbia

Advisor: Joerg Rottler

I’m a computational physicist. I use mostly molecular dynamics and stochastic simulations to model the non-equilibrium particle dynamics in structural glasses. (Theorist)

mya [at]

Thomas S. Welsh

University of Leeds, UK

Advisor: R. Mike L. Evans

I am interested in nonequilibrium statistical physics, from both a fundamental perspective and in the field of soft condensed matter. (Theorist)

phy4tsw [at]

Jonathan K. Whitmer

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Advisor: Erik Luijten (Northwestern Univ.)

I am interested in the particle dynamics of colloidal suspensions and the interplay of inter-particle, Brownian, and hydrodynamic forces therein, which I study via computer simulations. (Theorist)

jkwhitme [at]

Anton A. Winkler


Advisor: Prof. Erwin Frey

I am conducting research on non-equilibrium phase transitions in reaction-diffusion systems. In particular, to describe the critical behavior, I make use of renormalization group methods. (Theorist)

anton.winkler [at]

Erik Woldhuis

Leiden University

Advisors: Wim van Saarloos and Martin van Hecke

Areas of physics interest: jamming, foam, granular materials, soft condensed matter (Theorist)

woldhuis [at]

Nicholas Wschebor, Lecturer

Instituto de Física de la Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de la República

Non perturbative methods in Field Theory. (Theorist)

nicws [at]

Zhenwei Yao

Syracuse University

Advisors: Prof. Xiangjun Xing and Prof. Bowick

My area of physics interest: theoretical soft matter physics, employing statistical mechanics and differential geometry to understand phases of soft matters. (Theorist)

yaozwde [at]

Hussain Zaidi

University of Virginia

Advisor: Eugene Kolomeisky

My current research is on the Casimir effect (static and dynamic) and regularization techniques. I’ve worked in quantum information and optics in the past and still hold active interest in these fields. (Theorist)

haz4z [at]

Kai Zhang

Duke University

Advisor: Patrick Charbonneau

computer simulation of soft matters (Theorist)

kai.zhang [at]

Royce K.P. Zia, Lecturer

Virginia Tech

Fundamental issues in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics Driven diffusive systems and reaction-diffusion systems, as well as their applications to, e.g., transport problems in molecular biology and vehicular traffic, population dynamics, and adaptive networks. (Theorist)

rkpzia [at]