Boulder School 2001: Roster

[(P) = Participant, (O) = Organizer, (L) = Lecturer]





Andrei, Eva Rutgers (L)
eandrei [at]
Our research group experimentally studies the various phases of matter that arise from the competition between interactions and fluctuations, including vortex matter (channel depinning, order-disorder transitions, memory effects, and plasticity) and two-dimensional electron systems (Wigner crystals, correlations, tunneling, and shear propagation.)
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Bandyopadhyay, Ranjini UCLA (P)
ranjini [at]
Experimental soft condensed matter physics: structure and dynamics of surfactant solutions, polyelectrolytes and foams.
Bantu, Hailu Univ. Maryland (P)
hailu [at]
Thermodynamics descriptions of surfaces and dynamics of surface steps.  
Bartolo, Denis École Supérieure de Physique (P)
denis [at]
Physics inspired by biology, soft condensed matter, and nonequilibrium statistical physics. Fluctuation-induced (Casimir) interactions and impurities in liquid crystals.
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Behne, Erin Univ. Washington (P)
ebehne [at]
I am interested in using x-ray microtomography to study structure in granular physics problems, including soil liquefaction.
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Behringer, Robert Duke Univ. (L)
bob [at]
Nonlinear dynamics and low-temperature physics, including granular flow, fluid flow in porous media, pattern selection, and convection and conduction in liquid helium. Fluctuations and stress chains, collisions and shaking in granular materials. Pattern formation in Couette flow.
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Benetatos, Panayotis Berlin/Harvard (P)
pbenetat [at]
I am interested in vortex matter physics and also stiff polymers and biologically inspired physics. Work includes a mapping of the statistical mechanics of vortex lines and spontaneous vortex loops in superconductors onto that of a relativistic charged boson gas.
Bhattacharya, Shobo NEC Research Inst. (L)
shobo [at]
Interests are in collective dynamics, from fluids to charge density waves. His current research focuses on magnetic flux lattices in type II superconductors and in superconducting wire networks. Recent work on vortex matter includes plastic/elastic transitions, the peak effect and direct imaging of vortex pinning.
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Bianconi, Ginestra Univ. Notre Dame (P)
Ginestra.Bianconi.1 [at]
Research has included surface roughening, stripe ordering in high-Tc superconductors, metabolic networks, and properties of scale-free networks.
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Bodenschatz, Eberhard Cornell Univ.(O)
eb22 [at]
Nonlinear science with special emphasis on dissipative pattern forming systems, nonlinear nonequilibrium phenomena in fluid-mechanical systems, convection of simple and complex fluids, Lagrangian descriptions of turbulence, and geomorphological instabilities.
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Bowick, Mark Syracuse Univ. (L)
bowick [at]
Random surfaces, the statistical mechanics of membranes and the formation of topological defects in phase transitions.
Bray, Alan Univ. of Manchester (L)
alan.bray [at]
Statistical physics of phase transitions, and related topics, especially disordered systems (spin glasses and random field magnets), coarsening phenomena (including the importance of topological defects and persistence), and general stochastic processes.
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Brink, Jeandrew Cornell Univ. (P)
jb275 [at]
My research interest include fluid flow in porous media, pattern formation and convection.
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Cacciuto, Angelo Syracuse Univ. (P)
cacciuto [at]
Nonequilibrium phase transitions, topological defects, and random surfaces, including self-avoiding membranes with fixed connectivity.
Caspersen, Kyle Iowa State Univ. (P)
kcasper [at]
My area of research pertains to the nucleation and growth of thin metal films during deposition, where the deposition of particles combined with extremely small kinetic barriers produce a far from equilibrium film morphology.  
Chang, Hsuan-Yeh City College of NY (P)
hychang [at]
Bose-Einstein Condensation, particularly coherence problems.
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Chen, Chun-Chung Univ. Washington (P)
cjj [at]
Non-equilibrium critical phenomena and self-organized criticality, with recent theoretical work on avalanche models and directed percolation.
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Chiam, Keng-Hwee Cal. Inst. Tech. (P)
chiamkh [at]
Statistical and nonlinear physics: pattern formation and spatiotemporal chaos in nonequilibrium fluid systems, including onset and transport of passive scalars.
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Chin, Chenshan Univ. Washington (P)
cschin [at]
Non-equilibrium statistical mechanics (morphology of growing interfaces) and strongly correlated electron systems (quantum Hall effect and bosonization.)
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Chu, Han-Ching UCLA (P)
hanchu [at]
My research project is focused on the properties of superfliud helium near the critical point, such as the nonequilibrium dynamics of vortex pairs. Work also includes research on sonoluminescence.
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Clark, Noel Univ. Colorado (L)
Noel.Clark [at] Colorado.EDU
Understanding and using the properties of condensed phases, ranging from experiments on the fundamental physics of phase transitions, such as melting, to the development of liquid crystal electro-optic light valves. Recent work on nanofabrication using protein crystals.
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Cleve, Jochen Yale Univ. (P)
jochen.cleve [at]
Dynamics of energy transfer in homogeneous isotropic turbulence, using multiplicative cascade models.
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Conrad, Jacinta conrad [at] Harvard Univ. (P)idth=”43%” style=”43%border-top-style: solid; border-right-style: solid; border-bottom-style: solid; border-left-style: solid; border-top-width: 1px; border-right-width: 1px; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-left-width: 1px; ” valign=”Top”>Experimental soft condensed matter and nonlinear physics. Dynamics of colloidal and granular systems.

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Coullet, Pierre INLN (L)
pierre.coullet [at]
Non-linear dynamics, dynamical systems, physics of instabilities, hydrodynamics, interfaces, and non-linear optics.
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Cugliandolo, Leticia LPT, Ecole Norm. Sup. (L)
Leticia.Cugliandolo [at]
Glasses (quantum and classical, spin and structural), granular materials, optimization problems, and general non-equilibrium dynamics.
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da Silveira, Rava Harvard Univ. (P)
rava [at]
Statistical mechanics and soft condensed matter physics, in particular non-equilibrium phenomena, disordered and coupled systems, transport.  
Dahmen, Karin Univ. Illinois, U-C. (L)
dahmen [at]
Condensed Matter physics; nonequilibrium dynamical systems, including pattern formation in homogeneous systems and inhomogeneous systems with quenched disorder. Hysteresis, avalanches, earthquakes, patterns in population dynamics, hopping conductivity.
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Das, Dibyendu Brandeis Univ. (P)
dibyendu [at]
Nonequilibrium steady states, coarsening, aggregation, coupled driven diffusive systems, phase transitions, glasses.
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Das, Jayajit Virginia Polytechnic (P)
jayajit [at]
Non-equilibrium statistical physics, equilibrium and non-equilibrium physics of soft condensed matter systems. Dynamics of ordering in magnets
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Das, Moumita IISc Bangalore (P)
moumita [at]
Soft condensed matter and non-equilibrium statistical physics. Sheared colloidal systems and solid friction.
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Desai, Michael Harvard Univ. (P)
desai [at]
Statistical mechanics, population biology, and population genetics. Pattern formation in epidemiology and ecology.  Desai.jpg (8888 bytes)
Dieterich, Jim U.S. Geological Survey (L)
jdieterich [at]
Simulations of regional seismic activity, earthquake stress interactions, and seismicity rate changes. Frictional processes in rocks, their constitutive relations, and earthquake nucleation.
Dukovski, Ilija U. Mass., Amherst (P)
dukovski [at]
Cluster Monte Carlo methods, random field Ising model and statistical mechanics of polymers.
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Ettouhami, Mouneim Univ. of Colorado, Boulder (P)
mouneim [at]
Properties of flux line lattices and liquids in type II superconductors. Effects of disorder on flux line systems, both at equilibrium and under the effect of an external driving force. Phase transitions in disordered systems.
Ferguson, Matthew U. Maryland (P)
ferguson [at]
Experimental nonlinear dynamics, including pattern formation in solidification of polymer films and dynamics of colloidal particles.
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Fisher, Daniel Harvard Univ. (L)
fisher [at]
Equilibrium and non-equilibrium behavior of disordered systems, classical and quantum. Physical systems studied include vortex matter, random magnets, earthquakes, crack propagation, strongly interacting electrons, and fluid flow on rough surfaces.
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Foglia, Anthony UC Santa Barbara (P)
afoglia [at]
Plasticity and fracture in amorphous materials. Shear transformation zones.
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Gardel, Margaret Harvard Univ. (P)
gardel [at]
Polymer physics, biological systems. Viscoelasticity of actin networks.

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Gittings, Alex UCLA (P)
gittings [at]
Bubble rearrangement in foams. Applications of diffusing wave spectroscopy and diffuse transmission spectroscopy to study foams, colloids and granular flows.
Glatz, Andreas U. of Cologne (P)
ang [at]
Dynamic and static properties of disordered systems. Collective dynamics of charge-density waves.
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Goldenfeld, Nigel Univ. Illinois, U-C. (L)
nigel [at]
Theoretical condensed matter physics, pattern formation in spatially extended systems, turbulence in classical and quantum fluids, scaling phenomena, phase ordering, high temperature superconductivity, applications of renormalization group to PDEs, quantitative finance and medical physics.
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Goldstein, Ray University of Arizona (L)
gold [at]
Nonlinear dynamics and pattern formation, fluid dynamics, biological physics; theory and experiment. Elastohydrodynamics of filaments, Rayleigh and pearling instabilities, and patterns of signaling activity in cellular populations.
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Goulian, Mark Univ. of Pennsylvania (L)
goulian [at]
Design principles of cell signalling. Study of mechanisms for limiting noise and maintaining fidelity in biological circuits, using fluorescence microscopy and techniques from molecular biology. We are developing new methods for engineering biomolecular networks in cells and for measuring signaling activity.
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Haddad, Thomas Univ. Sao Paulo (P)
thaddad [at]
Dynamics of disordered and glassy systems. Dynamics of random magnets and metastability. Fixed points for magnets with aperiodic modulation. Reaction-diffusion and driven diffusive systems.
Hong, Zhenning Boston Univ. (P)
hongzn [at]
I’m interested in porous media, pattern formation , biological systems and fractals. Growth of cholesterol crystals and biominearlization. Drying and cracking of gelatin gels and AFM study of mucin proteins.
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Howell, Rafael Dartmouth (P)
rhowell [at]
My research interests include nonequilibrium statistical mechanics and long-lived localized solutions of nonlinear scalar fields. Nonperturbative fluctuations in phase mixing and percolation.
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Jettestuen, Espen Univ. of Oslo (P)
espen.jettestuen [at]
My research is in friction, by means of computer simulation and theoretical calculations, including the effects of fracture and plasticity of microasperities.
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Jun, Suckjoon Simon Fraser University (P)
fugue [at]
Mathematical Biology (Kinetic Model of DNA replication). MC-simulation study of protein folding. Future research plans include problems in complex networks such as robustness of protein network in cell-cycle.
Kiskowski, Maria Univ. Notre Dame (P)
mkiskows [at]
Mathematical biology. In particular, modeling of morphogenesis and differentiation, aggregation and swarming.
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Kloster, Morten Princeton Univ. (P)
mkloster [at]
I’m working on self-organized criticality, domain structures of ferroelectrics. Directed stochastic sandpile models.

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Koopmann, Jerome ETH Zurich
jerome [at]
Statistical physics, disordered systems, vortices.
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Kori, Hiroshi Kyoto University (P)
kori [at]
Information transporting and processing in the organism. Collective dynamics of coupled oscillators and application to transmission of phase information in neural fields.
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Kurchan, Jorge École Supérieure de Physique (L)
jorge [at]
Glassy systems. Dense granular media, structural glasses, spin glasses, metastability, nonlinear rheology, coarsening, aging, fluctuation-dissipation theorems.
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Lacevic, Naida Johns Hopkins (P)
lacevic [at]
My primary interest is in the phenomenon of spatially heterogeneous dynamics in glass-forming liquids. Use of molecular dynamics simulations to study length scales in supercooled liquids.
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Leone, Michele SISSA (Trieste) (P)
mleone [at]
Complexity theory and spin glasses. The relationship between random combinatorial problems and zero temperature spin glasses.
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Levine, Herbert UC San Diego (L)
levine [at]
My interest is in the physics of nonequilibrium processes, especially in the emergence of spatial patterns in extended systems. Within this framework, I work on issues arising in condensed matter physics, chemical physics and most recently biophysics. Chemotaxis and development in Dictyostelium. Evolution and fitness landscapes. Protein folding and receptor clustering. Crack propagation.
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Longhi, Emily Duke Univ. (P)
elonghi [at]
I am currently involved in granular material experiments. I have carried out experiments on force fluctations in granular flow, used dynamical systems to study pattern formation in plants, and studied the response of granular materials to point perturbations.  
Marchetti, Cristina Syracuse Univ. (O)
mcm [at]
Superconductivity & vortex matter, including microscopic models of vortex line interactions, vortex lattice melting, vortex entanglement, hydrodynamic models of flux lines, and smectic ordering of flowing flux lines. General models of plastic and elastic flow applied to hysteresis, memory effects, and nonequilibrium phases in driven systems. Viscous and supercooled liquids and the glass transition.
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Marconi, Veronica C-A Bariloche (P)
marcov [at]
Nonequilibrium dynamical systems, particularly, vortices in superconductors. Josephson junction arrays, driven XY models, fully frustrated systems.
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Mehta, Amit Univ. Illinois, U-C. (P)
apmehta [at]
I’m interested in renormalization group and its applications to non-equilibrium systems. Barkhausen noise in magnetic hysteresis loops.
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Middleton, Alan Syracuse Univ. (O)
aam [at]
Statics and dynamics of systems with quenched disorder. Models of collective transport, as used to describe flux flow in superconductors, charge transport in arrays of quantum dots, and charge density waves. Plastic and elastic flow. Ground states and excitations in disordered systems, found by combinatorial optimization. Connections between algorithm dynamics and physical systems.
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Moore, Mitchell U. Texas, Austin (P)
mgmoore [at]
My primary interest is in pattern formation, especially patterns in interfacial phenomena and in complex fluids; my current work is the study of time dependent viscous fingering flows.

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Morales, Hector Rensselaer Polytech. Inst. (P)
moralj [at]
Statistical physics of biological systems. I am interested in the use of PDEs and stochastic models to investigate natural processes, particularly on the development and application of an approach for simulating microscopic biological processes where thermal fluctuations play a significant role.
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Nahas, Michelle Univ. Illinois, U-C. (P)
nahas [at]
Pattern formation in solidification. Nonequilibrium physics.  
Nordblad, Per Uppsala Univ. (L)
Per.Nordblad [at]
Aging, memory, chaos, and rejuvenation in spin glasses. Magnetic nanoparticle systems and magnetic thin films.  
Ojha, Rajesh UCLA (P)
ojha [at]
My research work is in granular materials, specifically gas-fluidized beds. Structure, dynamics, and effective temperature in granular materials.
Peleg, Avner The Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem (P)
avner [at]
Phase ordering with global conservation. Non-linear dynamics and fractals. Analytic and numerical techniques for pattern formation.
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Peng, Weiqun Univ. Illinois, U-C. (P)
w-peng [at]
Condensed matter theory and statistical physics: soft matter, random systems, phase transitions and critical phenomena. Applications to biophysics, including myosin. Vulcanization phenomena and stochastic processes.
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Picus, Cristina University of Heidelberg (P)
picus [at]
Mean field study of many-particles interacting systems, with special attention to the physics of glasses. Universality of low-temperature anomalies in glasses.
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Pruessner, Gunnar Imperial College (P)
gunnar.pruessner [at]
Field theoretical, renormalization group approach to nonequilibrium statistical mechanics and self-organized criticality. Frustrated spin systems.
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Radzihovsky, Leo Univ. Colorado Boulder (O)
radzihov [at]
Applications of statistical mechanics and field theory to problems in condensed matter physics. Phenomenology of high-Tc superconductors, with an emphasis on vortex-line states in the presence of disorder and thermal fluctuations. Membranes and random surfaces. Equilibrium and nonequilibrium phase transitions. Liquid crystals and other structured fluids. Correlated electron systems (quantum Hall and Mott insulating phases.)
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Raychaudhuri, Subhadip U. of Rochester (P)
subha [at]
Surface growth under cyclical external conditions. Diffusion of excitons on dendrimer molecules. Non-equilibrium processes and disordered systems.
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Rhee, Sung Wu Univ. Washington (P)
sungwu [at]
Quantized vortices in superfluids. Transverse force in the two-fluid model, Bose-Einstein condensates with attractive interactions. Coupled oscillators.
Robbins, Mark Johns Hopkins Univ. (L)
mr [at]
His research focuses on non-equilibrium processes like friction, adhesion, spreading, fluid invasion, and shear-induced phase transitions. The goal is to try to understand the atomic origin of macroscopic phenomena.
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Rottler, Joerg Johns Hopkins Univ. (P)
rottler [at]
Deformation, yielding and fracture in amorphous polymer glasses and soft materials; physics of granular media. Surface deposition models.
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Rousseaux, Jermain École Superieure (P)
germain [at]
Instabilities in granular materials. Turbulence.
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Saunders, Karl U. of Oregon (P)
saunders [at]
Bragg glasses, liquid crystals in disordered media, disordered superconductors.
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Shima, Shinichiro Kyoto Univ. (P)
s_shima [at]
I am interested in various kinds of dynamical systems and am now tackling the problem of non-locally coupled phase oscillators.
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Shtengel, Kirill UC Irvine (P)
kirill [at]
Phase transitions and critical phenomena. Cluster and loop models (e.g., for vortex loops in superconductors and dislocation loops.) Frustration, quantum fluctuations, and fractionalized excitations in 2D quantum spin models. 1/f noise in the Coulomb glass. Structural glasses.
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Sethna, Jim Cornell Univ. (L)
sethna [at]
Materials Science: hysteresis, avalanches, martensites, surface growth, elastic theory and electromigration. Plasticity. Multiscale modeling of defects in solids. Structural and spin glasses. Disordered systems. Dynamical systems (chaos, crumpling paper.) Defects in liquid crystals.
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Tanaskovic, Darko Florida State Univ. (P)
darko [at]
Effects of disorder, metastability and glassy behavior in strongly correlated electronic systems near metal-insulator transitions.
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Travesset, Alex Univ. Illinois, U-C. (P)
travesse [at]
Noise in disordered systems and topological defects in soft condensed matter. Hysteresis and noise, 2D solids on spheres and other surfaces.
Vernon, Daniel Simon Fraser Univ. (P)
dvernon [at]
I have worked on models of surface growth, elastic properties of disordered materials, and non-equilibrium phase transitions. Viscoelasticity near the gel point. Reaction-diffusion equations.
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Visscher, Koen Univ. of Arizona (L)
visscher [at]
Currently focusing on molecular motors: single proteins or protein complexes that convert chemical energy into mechanical work, using optical tweezers, interferometry, or single molecule fluorescence microscopy.
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Vitelli, Vincenzo Harvard Univ. (P)
vitelli [at]
Non equilibrium statistical physics, theoretical biology, quantum information theory.
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Weitz, David Harvard Univ. (L)
weitz [at]
Soft condensed matter and the relationship between macroscopic properties and mesoscopic structure. Colloidal crystals: nucleation and growth, optical properties, suspensions in microgravity, microstructure of dilute suspensions. Colloidal gels: aging, stability, aggregation, cracking of viscoelastic media. Microenvironments of cells, biopolymers, nanocrystals, diffusing wave spectroscopy, membranes, vesicles. Sedimentation, defects in liquid crystals, surfactants and colloids.
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White, Olivia Harvard Univ. (P)
white [at]
Spin glasses and other disordered systems and in particular the effects of memory. Past work includes one-dimensional quantum spin systems.  
White, Robert Univ. Illinois, U-C. (P)
rawhite [at]
The origin and description of universal behavior in systems far from equilibrium.

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Xu, Limei Boston Univ. (P)
xulmcys [at]
My interests include random walks, chaos, and systems exhibiting multi-fractal characteristics. Fluid infiltration in porous media, where the fluid affects the pore characteristics.
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Yan, Jun New York Univ. (P)
jy272 [at]
Quantum many-body theory, especially the Bose-Einstein condensate in a trap (stationary and non-equilibrium states in non-uniform potentials.) Exactly solvable models.
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Yochelis, Arik Ben-Gurion Univ. (P)
yochelis [at]
Pattern formation in physical and biological systems. Periodically forced oscillatory systems.
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Zeng, Wei Univ. Notre Dame (P)
wzeng [at]
Biocomplexity, pattern formation, Potts model, Monte Carlo simulation. Experimental studies of cell sorting and cell adhesion. Reaction-diffusion models.
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