Boulder School 2014: Modern Aspects of Superconductivity

June 30-July 25, 2014

Scientific Coordinators

Andrey Chubukov (U Wisconsin)
Dan Dessau (CU Boulder)
Leo Radzihovsky (CU Boulder) 
Fbouquet), LPS, Orsay, France
Boulder School 2014 Image

The 2014 Boulder school will concentrate on modern aspects of superconductivity. Superconductivity is a well-known phenomenon – it has been around for over 100 years, and BCS theory for conventional s-wave superconductors is over 50 years old. Over the last few decades, however, the field of superconductivity witnessed a remarkable renewal of interest in the physics community. A number of reasons exist for this, including the discovery of unconventional (not ordinary s-wave) superconductivity in cuprates, heavy-fermions, and organic superconductors, and, more recently, in Fe-pnictides and Fe-chalcogenides as well as the fact that superconductivity in all these materials likely originates from screened Coulomb interactions rather than from electron-phonon interactions. Another, arguably the most fundamental reason, is that superconductivity in these novel materials emerges from a normal state that is very different from a conventional Fermi liquid. Finally there is the hope, based on specific theoretical predictions and non-stop improvements of the experimental techniques, to obtain chiral superconductivity, which would breaks time-reversal symmetry and exhibit a wealth of fascinating properties that are highly sought after for nano-science applications.

Group Photo


Boulder School 2014 Group Photo

Public Lecture

Professor Steven Kivelson, “Superconductivity: Quantum Mechanics at a Human Scale” in Duane Physics Building, Rm. G1B20 on Wednesday, July 9, 2014 at 7pm. Click here for YouTube video.

 Quantum Mechanics at a Human Scale" in Duane Physics Building, Rm. G1B20 on Wednesday, July 9, 2014 at 7pm


Lecturers and seminar speakers

  • Greg Boebinger, NHMFL, Tallahassee, FL
  • Piers Coleman, Rutgers University
  • Liang Fu, MIT
  • Jenny Hoffman, Harvard
  • Bernhard Keimer, Max-Planck Institute for Solid State Physics, Stuttgart
  • Steven Kivelson, Stanford University
  • John Martinis, UC-Santa Barbara
  • Yuji Matsuda, Kyoto University, Japan
  • Andrew Millis, Columbia University
  • Joseph Orenstein, UC-Berkeley
  • Arun Paramekanti,  University of Toronto
  • Mohit Randeria, Ohio State University
  • Subir Sachdev, Harvard University
  • Manfred Sigrist, Institute for Theoretical Physics, ETZ, Zurich
  • Xiao-Gang Wen*, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Canada