Reading list for Olle Heinonen 1. Introduction to the Theory of Ferromagnetism, by Amikam Aharoni (Oxford University Press, New York, 1996. Reprinted 1998) This is a 'standard' reference for micromagnetism and I will base at least part of the lecture on some of the stuff in the book. 2. "An introduction to micromagnetics in the dynamic regime", J. Miltat, G. Albuquerque, and A. Thiaville, in "Spin Dynamics in Confined Magnetic Structures I", edited by B. Hillebrands and K. Ounadjela (vol. 83 of Topics in Applied Physics, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2002). A good introductory article, a little more in-depth than reference 3 below. 3. "Micromagnetic spin structure" by R. Skomski, in "Spin Electronics", edited by M. Ziese and M.J. Thornton (Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2001). This one is a lower-level general introduction. Nice for a start and general orientation.